The heretics have burnt our temple!

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The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Void »


"The heretics have burnt our temple! May God help us!"

:con: Symiric

Saldungolut dumtírajat ághistarajas! Táslun rohtir zádul!
[ˈsɑlduŋolut ˈdumtiːrɑjɑt ˈaːʁistɑrɑjɑs ˈtaːslun ˈroxtir ˈzaːdul]
burn-3PL.PST heretic-PL temple-1PL.POSS-ACC help-3SG.SUBJ god 1PL.LAT

And an optional second sentence, because I'm a dork.

Drüžgûret ulrohajat rathavardul!
[ˈdryʒgyːrɛt ˈulroxɑjɑt ˈrɑθɑʋɑrdul]
storm-3PL.PRS necromancer-PL crypt-LAT
The necromancers are storming the crypt!

:con: Ymirsuddan

Marzyraat saldǫglot suit myskarkǫdy! Ǫǫgan estür astaw!
[ˈmarzɨraːt ˈsaldɔ̃glɔt sujt ˈmɨskarkɔ̃dɨ ˈɔ̃ːgan ˈɛstyr ˈastaw]
heretic-PL burn-3PL.PST 1PL.POSS-ACC temple-ACC help-3SG.SUBJ 1PL-LAT god

Rasjaulaat süzqhödüröt kurgawy!
[ˈrasjawlaːt ˈsyzɰødyrøt ˈkurgawɨ]
necromancer-PL storm-3PL.PRS crypt-ACC
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Void »


Az eretnekek égették a templomunkat! Isten segítsen nekünk!
The heretics have burnt our temple! May God help us!

Halottidézők megtámadják a sírt!
The necromancers are storming the crypt!


Die Ketzer hatten unseren Tempel verbrannt! Möge Gott uns helfen!

Die Geisterbeschwörer stürmen ans Grab!
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by kiwikami »

:con: HyPry

Mrärgo dom hëls mɑ twö rä, to, gub dhajm rë, agr. Namajh to ivarn, jë!
[mɾæɾ̥xo tom ʔel̥s mɑ tʷʰø ɾ̥æ tʰo kɯv tˣɑjm ɾ̥e ɑɣɾ] [nɑmɑjh tʰo ip͡ɸɑɾn je]
rä-märgo dom h-ëls ma ta-wö rä ta=o ga-ub dhajm rë a=ga-ra | na-majh ta=o jë-var=na jë
c15-deference hall IND-burn finish c2-INCL CLS15 CLS2=arg2 c3-lack be.enlightened PERF IND=CLS3-PL | DEO-help CLS2=arg2 c4-deity=DEO CLS4
The heretics/unenlightened have burnt down our hall of worship! May god help us!

Raj ngih haga ro, graj gwo nmër öm, agr!
[ɾ̥ɑj ŋih ʔɑɣɑ ɾ̥o kɾ̥ɑj kʷo ŋ͡meɾ øm ɑɣɾ]
(rä)-raj ngih h-aga rä=o ga-raj gwo nmër öm a=ga-ra
c15-death bedchamber IND-advance.forcefully.towards CLS15=arg2 c3-death EQ sleep maker IND=CLS3-PL
The necromancers are storming the crypt!

Edit: Added the sun-form script of "The heretics have burnt down our hall of worship" because it turned out rather pretty:
Last edited by kiwikami on 17 Nov 2017 06:56, edited 1 time in total.
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

:eng: :mrgreen: | :fra: [:)] | ASL [:S] | :deu: [:|] | :tan: [:(] | :nav: [:'(]
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Alessio »

:ita: Italian
Gli eretici hanno bruciato il nostro tempio! Che Dio ci aiuti!
/ʎi e'rεtitʃi 'anno bru'tʃaːto il 'nɔstro 'tεmpjo ke 'dio̯ tʃi a'juːti/
gli eretic-i ha-nno bruci-ato il nostr-o tempio che Dio ci aiut-i
DEF.MP eretic-PL have-3PL burn-PART.PAST DEF.MS our-MS temple that God 1PL.OBJ help-SUBJ.PRES.3SG

Another possible way to say this is ci hanno bruciato il tempio instead of hanno bruciato il nostro tempio. Sentences like this can often be rewritten using a dative instead of a personal pronoun (in this case, this second version would literally mean "burnt the temple to us").

:con: Häħadhvar/Hecathver
Id galbrud skenenen (c)lurs baskats! Yezus lash goniät!
/id 'galbrud skene'nen klurs 'baskats je'zus laʃ go'njæt/
id galbru-d sken-enen c-lur-s baskat-s Yezus lash goni-ät
DEF.PL eretic-PL burn-3PL.PAST INCL-1PL-ACC temple-ACC God 1PL.ACC help-IMPER.3SG

The <c> in <(c)lurs> should be included if the listener is part of the group of people referred to by our (in other words, clurs is inclusive, while lurs is exclusive).

:con: Hajás
Er äntjésr dürlü an sawanannuir! Pïrs zejdũ uirn!
/er 'εnceːsr̩ 'dyrly an 'sawanannui̯r pɨrs zei̯dyː ui̯.rn̩/
er än-tjés-r dür-lü an sawan-an-n-ui-r pïrs zejdũ ui-r-n
:ita: :eng: [:D] | :fra: :esp: :rus: [:)] | :con: Hecathver, Hajás, Hedetsūrk, Darezh...

Tin't inameint ca tót a sàm stê żōv'n e un po' cajoun, mo s't'armâgn cajoun an vōl ménga dîr t'armâgn anc żōven...
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Dormouse559 »

:con: Silvish
Le-z-ereticou on brullà (lou) nottrou tamplou ! C'li Bondeù nou-z-äde !
[le.ze.ʁəˈti.ku ɔ̃.bʁyˈla (lu.)nɔt.tʁuˈtɑ̃.plu | kli bɔ̃ˈdø nuˈzɛː.də]
DEF-PL heretic have.3PL burn-PST_PTCP (DEF-ACC.M.WK*) 1PL-POSS-ACC.M.WK temple-ACC | SBRD=DEF-M.SR* god 1PL help.SBJV

Le-nnecromanchànt attacque la critte !
[lɛʁo.mɑ̃ˈɕɑ̃t aˈtak.kə ləˈkʁit.tə]
DEF-PL necromancer-PL attack DEF-ACC.F.WK crypt-ACC

* WK = "weak" or human-associated gender; SR = "strong" or non-human-associated gender

You would include the definite article lou in the first sentence if the speakers have temples besides the one that was burned.

:fra: French
Les hérétiques ont brûlé notre temple ! Que Dieu nous aide !
/le.z‿e.ʁe.tik ɔ̃ bʁy.le nɔ.tʁə tɑ̃pl | kə djø nu.z‿ɛd/
DEF-PL heretic{-PL} have.3PL burn-PST_PTCP 1PL-POSS temple | SBRD god 1PL help

Les nécromanciens attaquent la crypte !
/le ne.kʁɔ.mɑ̃.sjɛ̃ a.tak la kʁipt/
DEF-PL necromancer{-PL} attack{-3PL} DEF-F crypt

:lat: :eng: Romanglic
Heretics inflamed/conflagrated ego et al.'s temple! Divine aid!

Necromancers assault crypt!

The heretics have burnt our temple! May God help us!

The necromancers are storming the crypt!
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Reyzadren »

:con: griuskant (without the conscript)

shurdaerce yada aeskesae zhaskgroug. roidoz.
/'ʃurdertʃə 'jada 'eskəse 'ʒaskgrɔug. 'rɔidɔz/
NEG.believe-N burn-V 1PL-POSS hope-ITJ

shoegoure iuka zher avka ijcol.
/'ʃɯgɔurə 'iuka ʒər 'avka 'idʒtʃɔl/
necromancer-N in-V then attack-V
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by spanick »

:con: :got: Gotski (Ecclesial)
Кривоверос сѧд брањанс тѧплу ѫсер! Гоѳ хелпе ѫсер!
Krivoveros sęd branjans tęplu ǫser! Goþ helpe ǫser!
/kriʋoʋeros sẽd braɳans tẽplu õser | goθ helpe õser/

Edit: I didn’t see the optional sentence before so I’ve added it, this time in Modern Gotski. Fun fact, this sentence is composed entirely of borrowings.

Некромантос штюмад крита.
Nekromantos štürmad kripta.
Last edited by spanick on 18 Nov 2017 18:53, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Imralu »

As close as I could get in :tan: Swahili:

Waasi wa kidini wameteketeza hekalu yetu. Mungu atusaidie!
waasi w-a ki-dini wa-me-teketez-a hekalu y-etu | mungu a-tu-saidi-e
rebel(2) 2-GEN 7-religion 2-PRF-burn.down-Ø temple(9) 9-GEN.1P | deity(3) 1-1P-help-SBJV

Religious rebels have burned down our temple. May God help us.

Makaimu wanashambulia kaburi.
makaimu wa-na-shambuli-a kaburi
necromancers(6) 2-PRES-attack-Ø grave(5)

Necromancers/exorcists are attacking the grave.

Void wrote: 16 Nov 2017 15:43 Die Ketzer haben unseren Tempel verbrannt! Möge Gott uns helfen!

Die Geisterbeschwörer stürmen ans Grab!
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Parlox »

:con: Psıhı Mìnungusıqa

Tǎıanı mmanu chìbìnmìno nunogì chìpsìniqa qu
/t͡θiani mʔmanɯ t͡ʃɪbɪnmɪnɤ nɯnɤgɪ t͡ʃɪp͡sɪniʔa ʔɯ/
burn-ACC-PAST crazy religious.person-LES-PLUR 1ST-PLUR-GEN worship-ACC area
The heretics have burnt our temple!
:con: Gândölansch (Gondolan)Feongkrwe (Feongrkean)Tamhanddön (Tamanthon)Θανηλοξαμαψⱶ (Thanelotic)Yônjcerth (Yaponese)Ba̧supan (Basupan)Mùthoķán (Mothaucian) :con:
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by marvelous »

:epo: Esperanto

La herezuloj bruligis nian templon. Dio helpu nin!
/la he.reˈzu.loi̯ bruˈli.gis ˈ ˈtemp.lon ˈdi.o ˈhel.pu nin/
la herez-ul-o-j brul-ig-is ni-a-n templ-o-n Di-o help-u ni-n
DEF heresy-person-N-PL burn-CAUS-PST we-ADJ-ACC temple-N-ACC God-N help-IMP we-ACC
:heb: I have gained self-respect and left. :yid:
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Anarel »


(Ônom) Kumāram Gonôtiris kīnhim Tamābra/Maqôgen_Himīfet/
[o:nom kʊma:ram gono:tirɪs ki:nhim tama:bra makuo:gen himi:fet]
The heretics have burnt our temple! May God help us!"

Ônom: Definite article, nominative, plural. Only used to emphasize.
Ku- Negative prefix.
Mār- Root. Means faith, religious belief in the Lord of Light.
-am Plural.
Gôn- Root. Means fire, burning
-t Suffix for verbs
-iris Past tense suffix
Kīnhim: Subject pronoun, inclusve plural
ta- Big, great, high
mā- Root. Means sacred, holy, immaculate
brā- Root. Means house, dwelling
/ representation of the runic symbol that represents the "!". It's name is "tēar" [te:ar]
_ representation of the runic symbol that represents the comma ",". It's name is "tēna" [te:na]

The plural is formed by addind a "(vowel) -m". The vowel depends on the last vowel of the last syllabe of the word.
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Lao Kou »

Image Géarthnuns

Chek ebrütaubönalöthsep lö chau darzhörsaut makhmalaraut zdaíakh! Che Avíaths la makhlamach kupaiaz!
The heretics have burnt our temple! May God help us!

Image Japoné語

Les 異教徒 oué ils ga 燬ïta notre 神殿! Que 神 ga nous au 力添éyeau!
Les hiquieautau oué ils ga yaïta notre chinedein! Que Cami ga nous au tchicarazoéyeau!
DEF.PL heretic TOP 3PL NOM burn-PAST our temple | CONJ God NOM 1PL ACC help-SUBJ
The heretics have burnt our temple! May God help us!

Image Géarthnuns

Chauk sfaiküshersaup la chí zçaisevülsít zhrotüzh!
DEF.PL necromancer-NOM.PL AUX.PRES DEF crypt-ACC storm
The necromancers are storming the crypt!

Image Japoné語

Les 妖術師 oué ils ga 陥étèrë la 納骨堂!
Les yeaudjoûchi oué ils ga otauchillétèrë la neauqueaudeaue!
DEF.PL necromancer TOP 3PL NOM storm-PRESPROG DEF crypt
The necromancers are storming the crypt!

(crypt had other choices)
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by marvelous »

:con: Ladoçei Htoleiþe

Kïdikkine deifûç boseir si däneim. Sar ye lyortuç däneir!
/ˈkydikːine ˈdeɪ̯fɯç ˈboʃeɪ̯ɹ ʃi ˈdɒneɪ̯m ʃɑɹ je ˈʎoɹtuç dɒneɪ̯ɹ/
heresy[PL]-person-DEF.NOM burn[PRF]-3PL temple-DEF.ACC PREP.GEN we-DEF.LOC. Shar PART.OPT help[IRR]-3SG.RAT2 we-DEF.ACC

:con: Ðeneydabus

Kïdekkūneyð denfojz heneçokaððe däney! Sareyð ye þandonän!
/ˈkydekːuːneɪ̯ð ˈdenfoʝ ˈheneçokɑðːe ˈdɒneɪ̯ ʃɑɾ je ˈθɑndonɒn/
k[ï]dek-kūn-eyð de[n]f-ojz heneç-ok-aðð-e dän-ey ! Sar-eyð ye þa[n]don-än !
heresy[PL]-person-DEF.ERG burn[PRF]-3SG.INAN god-have.essence.of-place-DEF.ABS we-DEF.GEN ! Shar-DEF.ERG PART.OPT help[PRF]-1PL.RAT1

Note: Depending on the education level of the speaker, they may say "Këdekkūneyð" instead of "Kïdekkūneyð," with Kïdekkūneyð being the more prestigious form.
:heb: I have gained self-respect and left. :yid:
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Parlox »

I have decided to post more translations in two other Bzino languages.

:con: Hazbolla

Dzǐ fxanu o chivi-i o dzuhe chiniha huz-a-be.

[dzi˥˩ ɸ̃anʌ ɤ t͡ʃivi-i ɤ dzʌ-he t͡ʃiniha hʌz-a-be]
burn-PRES.PER crazy many worshipper-NOM many 1ST-GEN worship area-ACC-LES
The heretics have burnt our temple!

:con: Angguìlero

Tseve vyano-é-lo nogevo tseveniho ho.
[t͡sɛvɛ vʲano-e-lo t͡sɪ-lavɪ nogɛvo t͡sɛvɛniho ho]
Worshipper crazy-CAUS-PLUR burn-PRES.PER 1ST.GEN.PLUR temple-EFFECT
The heretics have burnt our temple!
:con: Gândölansch (Gondolan)Feongkrwe (Feongrkean)Tamhanddön (Tamanthon)Θανηλοξαμαψⱶ (Thanelotic)Yônjcerth (Yaponese)Ba̧supan (Basupan)Mùthoķán (Mothaucian) :con:
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: Yélian

A'kadárian yeilickunʻi yanim verdú! A'gòt yanat dirabirvet!
[ɐkɐˈdaːɾɪ̯ɐn ʃɛɪ̯lɨˈkunʔi ˈʃaːnɨm vəɾˈduː | ɐˈgɔ̈t ˈʃaːnɐt dɨɾɐˈbiɾvət]
DEF.ANIM=heretic.PL PST-burn_down-3PL 1PLIN.POSS temple | DEF.ANIM=abrahamitic_god 1PLIN.OBLS COND-PROP-help-COND.3SG.ANIM
The heretics have burnt our temple! May god help us!

A'zolvialoran pergámbi pun kapem!
[ɐɟɔ̈lˈvɪ̯aːlɔ̈ɾɐn pəɾˈgambi pʉn ˈkaːpəm]
DEF.ANIM=necromant-PL INGR-storm-3PL in crypt
The necromancers are storming the crypt!

New words for this challenge:

katárian [kɐˈtaːɾɪ̯ɐn] - heretic
Etymology: from Ancient Greek Καθαροί katharoí "heretic" + Person/group ending -ian. Compare English cathar.

elickuna/elicuna [ˌeːlɨˈkuːnɐ] - to burn down, to burn to destroy
Etymoloy: elica "to destroy" + kuna "to burn". The Southern Standard spelling is the only Yélian word with the consonant sequence <ck> (the Northern Standard doesn't have the letter <k>)-

zolvialor [cɔ̈lˈvɪ̯aːlɔ̈d̟] - necromant
Etymology: from Zolin, the devine aspect of death and the underworld, and vialor "magician".

kapem [ˈkaːpəm] - crypt
Etymology: from Paatherye काफेमे kāpheme "to die, to get buried"
Please call me Iyion [ˈiːɕɪ̯ɔ̈n]
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Omzinesý »


Kaathiinee, puukome dlo'dúudso'oka
Kaat-hiinee, puuko-me dlo'-duudso'-oka
BUILDING-religion, destroy-RERF PERSON-believe_right-VOL.NEG
'The temple has been destroyed by those who don't believe correctly.'
My meta-thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5760
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by eldin raigmore »

How would one say “The temple have burnt our heretics!”?
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by lsd »

:eng: English
"The heretics have burnt our temple! May God help us!"

:con: nasuharshenkasa
god denied by men burning the house of worshippers of god, protector (it is necessary) of us
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Omzinesý »

eldin raigmore wrote: 28 Apr 2022 20:52 How would one say “The temple have burnt our heretics!”?
I haven't thought about possession.
If both the agent and the patient are full NPs, semantic roles are not coded. So, the same sentence can be translated like that, too.
Usually, the meaning is "derived from the context".
If the semantic roles must be coded, I think pronouns can be used: 'They have burned the temple, the heretics.' and 'The heretics burned it, the temple'.
My meta-thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5760
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Re: The heretics have burnt our temple!

Post by Aseca »

:con: Qhimhál
A mìvalìnàm rayëtni qhinem valìnár! Vâk Giál qhirem kayà!
[æ mɨvʲəlɪnæm rəjɛtnɪ qɪnəm vəlɪnʌʁ! Vɑk gʲʌɫ qɪɾəm kəjæ!] burn.PERF.3pl our temple.acc! May God us.acc help!
Sikatāyām kaṇam lokasya darśasi, svargam phale vanye ca.
See a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Ānantam tava karatalena darasi, nityatām ghaṇṭabhyantare ca.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
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