When my father's father's father, Xiang Po, came from Manchuria to Beijing, he had to work hard to disguise his ancestry.
The Ming rulers of China had grown weak, and so when the Manchu conquered the Ming in 1644, I was finally able to reveal my true heritage.
vozh aeskae parae parae par zhed az xiang po sula ga mancuria ki baeijing, raes aentsa ruti zuipa raesae ijhelioson.
/vɔʒ 'eske 'pare 'pare 'par ʒəd az 'ɣiaŋ 'pɔ 'sula ga 'mantʃuria ki 'beidʒiŋ, 'res 'entsa 'ruti 'zuipa 'rese 'idʒhəliɔsɔn/
during 1SG-POSS father-POSS father-POSS father REL is xiang po come-V from Manchuria to Beijing, 3SG hadto-V hardwork-A disguise-V 3SG-POSS advanced-family-EB-PASS
caineae ming saeth daega giuthi, zhaez vozh mancuriae raeska seja ming vozh 1644ae nast, aesk yuj kan laerka aeskae slungi ijheliosonsurv.
/'tʃainəe 'miŋ 'seθ 'dega 'giuθi, ʒez vɔʒ 'mantʃuriaə 'reska 'sədʒa 'miŋ vɔʒ 'ruskɣepsɔugsɔuge 'nast, 'esk 'judʒ 'kan 'lerka 'eske 'sluŋi 'idʒhəliɔsɔnsurv/
China-POSS Ming king become-V weak, therefore during Manchuria-N win-V catch-V Ming during 1644-POSS year, 1SG last can reveal-V 1SG-POSS true-A advanced-family-EB-PASS-culture
Xiang Po
Re: Xiang Po
Der a'pèno o'pèno reo o'pèno, Xiang Po, yicuret at Manjuria pès Beidying, yianivarstivelat can tyapèsmendret to manpuʻasé. An'oicolan Ming o'Tsungie yiʻòtbocʻi, cara nat a'Manjúrianan yiʻucvi a'Mingan u ilvereti 1644, yityapèrsmitai reo mianúmivas.
when DEF.ANIM=father DEF.GEN=father 1SG.POSS DEF.GEN=father, PROP, PST-come-3SG from PROP to PROP, PST-NEC-hard-work-JUS.3SG for POT-disguise-3SG 3SG.MASC.POSS ancestry | DEF.ANIM=despot-PL PROP DEF.GEN=PROP PST-weak-become-3PL, so_that when DEF.ANIM=PROP-PL PST-conquer-3PL DEF.ANIM=PROP-PL TEMP year-ENUM 1644, PST-POT-finally-reveal-1SG 1SG.POSS heritage-true
When my father's father's father, Xiang Po, came from Manchuria to Beijing, he had to work hard to disguise his ancestry.
The Ming rulers of China had grown weak, and so when the Manchu conquered the Ming in 1644, I was finally able to reveal my true heritage.
New words for this challenge:
pèsmendra [ˌpɛsˈmendɾɐ] - to disguise, hide, obfuscate
Etymology: pès "to, towards" + mendra "to be in the shadows"
manpuʻasé [ˌmanpuʔɐˈseː] - ancestor, ancestry
Etymology: from manpuʻat "ancestor", itself coined from man "spirit" + puʻat "old", + conceptualiser -sé
Der a'pèno o'pèno reo o'pèno, Xiang Po, yicuret at Manjuria pès Beidying, yianivarstivelat can tyapèsmendret to manpuʻasé. An'oicolan Ming o'Tsungie yiʻòtbocʻi, cara nat a'Manjúrianan yiʻucvi a'Mingan u ilvereti 1644, yityapèrsmitai reo mianúmivas.
when DEF.ANIM=father DEF.GEN=father 1SG.POSS DEF.GEN=father, PROP, PST-come-3SG from PROP to PROP, PST-NEC-hard-work-JUS.3SG for POT-disguise-3SG 3SG.MASC.POSS ancestry | DEF.ANIM=despot-PL PROP DEF.GEN=PROP PST-weak-become-3PL, so_that when DEF.ANIM=PROP-PL PST-conquer-3PL DEF.ANIM=PROP-PL TEMP year-ENUM 1644, PST-POT-finally-reveal-1SG 1SG.POSS heritage-true
When my father's father's father, Xiang Po, came from Manchuria to Beijing, he had to work hard to disguise his ancestry.
The Ming rulers of China had grown weak, and so when the Manchu conquered the Ming in 1644, I was finally able to reveal my true heritage.
New words for this challenge:
pèsmendra [ˌpɛsˈmendɾɐ] - to disguise, hide, obfuscate
Etymology: pès "to, towards" + mendra "to be in the shadows"
manpuʻasé [ˌmanpuʔɐˈseː] - ancestor, ancestry
Etymology: from manpuʻat "ancestor", itself coined from man "spirit" + puʻat "old", + conceptualiser -sé
Please call me Iyion [ˈiːɕɪ̯ɔ̈n]
Re: Xiang Po
Lohet (note: in glosses, square brackets mark an infix inserted in the middle of the word they follow)
Tün a injak e injak e injak esa, Xiyan Po, esdeyan dayi Mancu ida Peicin, eswoldu fersöüli nünmuvü fan a ijkayali e deyanli apisölik eka.
/tyn a in'dʒak e in'dʒak e in'dʒak esa ʃi'jan po es'dejan 'daji 'mantʃu 'ida pei̯'tʃin es'woldu fer'søy̯li nyn'muvy fan a idʒ(ɨ)'kajali e de'janli api'sølik eka/
tün a injak e injak e injak e-sa Xiyan Po es-deyan dayi Mancu ida Pecin es-oldu fersöü-li nünvü-[mu] fan a ij-kaya-li e deyan-li alik-[pi-sö] e-ka
when DET father POSS father POSS father POSS-1SG Xiang Po PASS-come ORIG Manchuria DEST Beijing PASS-must work-INF stress-ADV PURP DET CAUS-not.see-INF POSS come-INF population-QUALITY-ADJ POSS-3SG
Fe a Min, a lüteski e Cina, eswesbengasolwik, te megan cayas a haifinli a Mancu ruyo a Min ol 1644 (deb-töp-fic-wac-za-yac), satu haimuta esrapatu ijgertili deyanli esa.
/fe a min a ly'teski e 'tʃina eswesbenga'solwik te me'gan tʃa'jas a hai̯'finli a 'mantʃu 'rujo a min ol deb tøp'fitʃ‿'watʃ(ɨ)za‿'jatʃ satu hai̯'muta es'rapatu idʒ'gertili de'janli 'esa/
fe a Min a lütes-ki e Cina eswes-ben-gasol-ik te me-gan cayas a haifin-li a Mancu ruyo a Min ol deb-töp-fic-ac-za-ac satu haita-[mu] es-rapa-tu ij-gerti-li deyan-li e-sa
but DET Ming DET lord-PL POSS China PAST_PERFECT-become-weak-3PL and this-reason after DET lose-INF DET Mancu against DET Ming TIME thousand-six-hundred-four-ten-four 1SG.TONIC end-ADV PASS-can-INF CAUS-know-INF come-INF POSS-1SG
Conscript: https://imgur.com/a/d1jA5WP (yeah, I know, I take terrible pictures)
Tün a injak e injak e injak esa, Xiyan Po, esdeyan dayi Mancu ida Peicin, eswoldu fersöüli nünmuvü fan a ijkayali e deyanli apisölik eka.
/tyn a in'dʒak e in'dʒak e in'dʒak esa ʃi'jan po es'dejan 'daji 'mantʃu 'ida pei̯'tʃin es'woldu fer'søy̯li nyn'muvy fan a idʒ(ɨ)'kajali e de'janli api'sølik eka/
tün a injak e injak e injak e-sa Xiyan Po es-deyan dayi Mancu ida Pecin es-oldu fersöü-li nünvü-[mu] fan a ij-kaya-li e deyan-li alik-[pi-sö] e-ka
when DET father POSS father POSS father POSS-1SG Xiang Po PASS-come ORIG Manchuria DEST Beijing PASS-must work-INF stress-ADV PURP DET CAUS-not.see-INF POSS come-INF population-QUALITY-ADJ POSS-3SG
Fe a Min, a lüteski e Cina, eswesbengasolwik, te megan cayas a haifinli a Mancu ruyo a Min ol 1644 (deb-töp-fic-wac-za-yac), satu haimuta esrapatu ijgertili deyanli esa.
/fe a min a ly'teski e 'tʃina eswesbenga'solwik te me'gan tʃa'jas a hai̯'finli a 'mantʃu 'rujo a min ol deb tøp'fitʃ‿'watʃ(ɨ)za‿'jatʃ satu hai̯'muta es'rapatu idʒ'gertili de'janli 'esa/
fe a Min a lütes-ki e Cina eswes-ben-gasol-ik te me-gan cayas a haifin-li a Mancu ruyo a Min ol deb-töp-fic-ac-za-ac satu haita-[mu] es-rapa-tu ij-gerti-li deyan-li e-sa
but DET Ming DET lord-PL POSS China PAST_PERFECT-become-weak-3PL and this-reason after DET lose-INF DET Mancu against DET Ming TIME thousand-six-hundred-four-ten-four 1SG.TONIC end-ADV PASS-can-INF CAUS-know-INF come-INF POSS-1SG
Conscript: https://imgur.com/a/d1jA5WP (yeah, I know, I take terrible pictures)
| | Hecathver, Hajás, Hedetsūrk, Darezh...
Tin't inameint ca tót a sàm stê żōv'n e un po' cajoun, mo s't'armâgn cajoun an vōl ménga dîr t'armâgn anc żōven...
Tin't inameint ca tót a sàm stê żōv'n e un po' cajoun, mo s't'armâgn cajoun an vōl ménga dîr t'armâgn anc żōven...
Re: Xiang Po
When my father's father's father, Xiang Po, came from Manchuria to Beijing, he had to work hard to disguise his ancestry.
The Ming rulers of China had grown weak, and so when the Manchu conquered the Ming in 1644, I was finally able to reveal my true heritage.
Peelii SaPo, weedome hii'-Madsuu, tzaakme Peedsik.
pee-lii SP weedo-me hii'-M tzaak-me
PARENT-sg1 SP come.from-PERF Place-M come.to-PERF P
'My ancestor SaPo came from Manchuria and went to Beijing.
Dlo', tosii'metzik hii'waa'
dlo', tosii'-me-tzik hii'-waa'
'He reluctantly hid his home country.'
Naap-Mii, lasiidl.
GRUOUP-M, be.weak
'The Ming were weak.'
(to be continued)
The Ming rulers of China had grown weak, and so when the Manchu conquered the Ming in 1644, I was finally able to reveal my true heritage.
Peelii SaPo, weedome hii'-Madsuu, tzaakme Peedsik.
pee-lii SP weedo-me hii'-M tzaak-me
PARENT-sg1 SP come.from-PERF Place-M come.to-PERF P
'My ancestor SaPo came from Manchuria and went to Beijing.
Dlo', tosii'metzik hii'waa'
dlo', tosii'-me-tzik hii'-waa'
'He reluctantly hid his home country.'
Naap-Mii, lasiidl.
GRUOUP-M, be.weak
'The Ming were weak.'
(to be continued)
My meta-thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5760
- prettydragoon
- sinic
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- Joined: 29 Jan 2012 10:22
- Location: Third star on the left, straight on till tiffin
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Re: Xiang Po
mano emono emono emo [Siaño Po] Mano'su-ratore Peisiño-mivira tukiri· ha huno omirumu mayetano semi vahu mehata ñepikive:
/ˈmɑno ˈemono ˈemono ˈemo ˈsiɑŋo po ˈmɑnoʔsuˌɹɑtoɹe ˈpeisiŋoˌmiviɹɑ ˈtukiɹi | hɑ ˈhuno ˈomiɹumu ˈmɑjetɑno ˈsemi ˈvɑhu ˈmehɑtɑ ˈŋepikive/
ma-no emo-no emo-no emo | Siaño Po | Mano'su-rato-re Peisiño-mivi-ra tu-kiri | ha huno omiru-mu maye-ta-no semi vahu meha-ta ñepi-ki-ve ||
1S-GEN birthmother-GEN birthmother-GEN birthmother.NOM | Siaño.NOM Po.NOM | Mano'su-land-ELA Peisiño-city-INE come-GER | 3S.R.NOM ones.own ancestry-ACC conceal-INF-GEN for much.ADV work.hard-INF have.to-PST-HSY ||
When my [father's father's father], Xiang Po, came from Manchuria to Beijing, [he] had to work hard to disguise [his] ancestry.
Sina-ratono kiñapiñi Miño-roko heñoko yakive· ita suo Mano'su-roko Miño-rokomu 1644-yumayenipa kiñatokive· ma kuhoti huno tohu omirumu iñamayeta soakiva:
/ˈsinɑˌɹɑtono ˈkiŋɑˌpiŋi ˈmiŋoˌɹoko ˈheŋoko ˈjɑkive | ˈitɑ suo ˈmɑnoʔsuˌɹoko ˈmiŋoˌɹokomu ˈsenuˌkuːhɑkuˌneːŋuːneːˌjumɑˌjenipɑ ˈkiŋɑtokive | mɑ ˈkuhoti ˈhuno ˈtohu ˈomiɹumu ˈiŋɑˌmɑjetɑ ˈsoɑkivɑ/
Sina-rato-no kiña-piñi Miño-roko heño-ko ya-ki-ve | ita suo Mano'su-roko Miño-roko-mu senu-kuuhaku-neeñuu-nee-yuma-yeni-pa kiñato-ki-ve | ma kuho-ti huno tohu omiru-mu iñamaye-ta soa-ki-va ||
Sina-land-GEN rule-AGZ.NOM Miño-people.NOM grow.weak-PSPART be-PST-HSY | and.then when.CONJ Mano'su-people.NOM Miño-people-ACC thousand-sixhundred-forty-four-Earth-year-ESS conquer-PST-HSY | 1S.NOM final-ADVZ ones.own real heritage-ACC reveal-INF get.to-PST-SENS ||
The Ming rulers of China had grown weak, and so when the Manchu conquered the Ming in 1644, I was finally able to reveal my true heritage.
The role of birthmother in Rireinu society is in most ways similar to the role of father in Chinese society.
Translation challenge 35/100
mano emono emono emo [Siaño Po] Mano'su-ratore Peisiño-mivira tukiri· ha huno omirumu mayetano semi vahu mehata ñepikive:
/ˈmɑno ˈemono ˈemono ˈemo ˈsiɑŋo po ˈmɑnoʔsuˌɹɑtoɹe ˈpeisiŋoˌmiviɹɑ ˈtukiɹi | hɑ ˈhuno ˈomiɹumu ˈmɑjetɑno ˈsemi ˈvɑhu ˈmehɑtɑ ˈŋepikive/
ma-no emo-no emo-no emo | Siaño Po | Mano'su-rato-re Peisiño-mivi-ra tu-kiri | ha huno omiru-mu maye-ta-no semi vahu meha-ta ñepi-ki-ve ||
1S-GEN birthmother-GEN birthmother-GEN birthmother.NOM | Siaño.NOM Po.NOM | Mano'su-land-ELA Peisiño-city-INE come-GER | 3S.R.NOM ones.own ancestry-ACC conceal-INF-GEN for much.ADV work.hard-INF have.to-PST-HSY ||
When my [father's father's father], Xiang Po, came from Manchuria to Beijing, [he] had to work hard to disguise [his] ancestry.
Sina-ratono kiñapiñi Miño-roko heñoko yakive· ita suo Mano'su-roko Miño-rokomu 1644-yumayenipa kiñatokive· ma kuhoti huno tohu omirumu iñamayeta soakiva:
/ˈsinɑˌɹɑtono ˈkiŋɑˌpiŋi ˈmiŋoˌɹoko ˈheŋoko ˈjɑkive | ˈitɑ suo ˈmɑnoʔsuˌɹoko ˈmiŋoˌɹokomu ˈsenuˌkuːhɑkuˌneːŋuːneːˌjumɑˌjenipɑ ˈkiŋɑtokive | mɑ ˈkuhoti ˈhuno ˈtohu ˈomiɹumu ˈiŋɑˌmɑjetɑ ˈsoɑkivɑ/
Sina-rato-no kiña-piñi Miño-roko heño-ko ya-ki-ve | ita suo Mano'su-roko Miño-roko-mu senu-kuuhaku-neeñuu-nee-yuma-yeni-pa kiñato-ki-ve | ma kuho-ti huno tohu omiru-mu iñamaye-ta soa-ki-va ||
Sina-land-GEN rule-AGZ.NOM Miño-people.NOM grow.weak-PSPART be-PST-HSY | and.then when.CONJ Mano'su-people.NOM Miño-people-ACC thousand-sixhundred-forty-four-Earth-year-ESS conquer-PST-HSY | 1S.NOM final-ADVZ ones.own real heritage-ACC reveal-INF get.to-PST-SENS ||
The Ming rulers of China had grown weak, and so when the Manchu conquered the Ming in 1644, I was finally able to reveal my true heritage.
The role of birthmother in Rireinu society is in most ways similar to the role of father in Chinese society.
Translation challenge 35/100
Re: Xiang Po
(me whose father whose father whose father past leaving country of him to land of me this man very active to mask his land named by me whose land taken by men of his country...)
(me whose father whose father whose father past leaving country of him to land of me this man very active to mask his land named by me whose land taken by men of his country...)
- sinic
- Posts: 336
- Joined: 12 Aug 2016 16:05
Re: Xiang Po
Andalusi Arabic (ad-Dárija al-'Andalusíyya)
Lámma 'ábi 'ábu 'ábu, Xiang Po, já' min Manchuríya ilá Bikín wajáb 'an atɛammál bax 'akhfá mirátu.
لمّا أبي أبو أبو، شيانق پو جاء من منچوريا إلى بكين وجب أن أتعمّل باش أخفى ميراتو.
when father-1S.POSS father-3MS.POSS father-3MS.POSS Xiang Po come.3MS.PST from Manchuria to Beijing must.3MS.PST to work.hard.3MS.PST to disguise.3MS.PST ancestry-3MS.POSS
When my father's father's father, Xiang Po, came from Manchuria to Beijing, he had to work hard to disguise his ancestry.
Ḍaɛf matáɛ al-ḥukkám al-Mingíyyin matáɛ aṣ-Ṣín kuxífu, idán lámma al-'amnách gaháru al-Mingíyyin fis-sana 1644 gad gadárt ɛalá kaxáft miráti ḥagigíy.
ضعف متاع الحكّام المنقيين متاع الصين كشف، إدن لمّا الامناچ قهر المنقيين فيلسنة ١٦٣٣ قاد قدرت على كشفت ميراتي حقيقي.
Weakness of DEF-ruler.PLU DEF-Ming.PLU of DEF-China reveal.3P.PST.PASS so when DEF-Manchu.PLU conquer.3P.PST DEF-Ming.PLU in-DEF-year 1644 EMPH can.1S.PST on reveal.1S.PST ancestry-1S.POSS true
The weakness of the Ming rulers of China revealed itself, therefore when the Manchu conquered the Ming in the year 1644, I was finally able to reveal my true heritage.
Lámma 'ábi 'ábu 'ábu, Xiang Po, já' min Manchuríya ilá Bikín wajáb 'an atɛammál bax 'akhfá mirátu.
لمّا أبي أبو أبو، شيانق پو جاء من منچوريا إلى بكين وجب أن أتعمّل باش أخفى ميراتو.
when father-1S.POSS father-3MS.POSS father-3MS.POSS Xiang Po come.3MS.PST from Manchuria to Beijing must.3MS.PST to work.hard.3MS.PST to disguise.3MS.PST ancestry-3MS.POSS
When my father's father's father, Xiang Po, came from Manchuria to Beijing, he had to work hard to disguise his ancestry.
Ḍaɛf matáɛ al-ḥukkám al-Mingíyyin matáɛ aṣ-Ṣín kuxífu, idán lámma al-'amnách gaháru al-Mingíyyin fis-sana 1644 gad gadárt ɛalá kaxáft miráti ḥagigíy.
ضعف متاع الحكّام المنقيين متاع الصين كشف، إدن لمّا الامناچ قهر المنقيين فيلسنة ١٦٣٣ قاد قدرت على كشفت ميراتي حقيقي.
Weakness of DEF-ruler.PLU DEF-Ming.PLU of DEF-China reveal.3P.PST.PASS so when DEF-Manchu.PLU conquer.3P.PST DEF-Ming.PLU in-DEF-year 1644 EMPH can.1S.PST on reveal.1S.PST ancestry-1S.POSS true
The weakness of the Ming rulers of China revealed itself, therefore when the Manchu conquered the Ming in the year 1644, I was finally able to reveal my true heritage.