Language practice thread 2

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Language practice thread 2

Post by Znex »

[<3] 祝你們情人節快乐! [<3]
[<3] Frohe Valentinsdag, alle! [<3]
[<3] Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! [<3]

情人節怎麼樣,你們?有沒有能和你們的伴侶或者好朋友會合? [:D]
Wie geht/ging Valentinsdag für euch? Habt ihr getroffen ihrer eure Partner oder enge Freunde?
How is/was Valentine's Day for you guys? Did you get to meet up with your partners or close friends?

Ich hatte einen schöner Tag mit einer guter Freundin von mir, herumlaufend und redend in der Stadt. Wir haben eine große chinesische Gartenkunst besucht, wo wir Kuchen gegessen haben, und einen japanischen Buchladen. Wir haben darauf einen Teil von einem anime Film im Abend zusammen angesehen, wo sie wohne.
I had a lovely day with a good friend of mine wandering around the city and talking. We visited a grand Chinese Garden, where we had cake, and a Japanese bookshop. We then in the evening watched part of an anime film together, where she lives.

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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Iyionaku »

Znex wrote: 15 Feb 2018 11:03
[<3] Frohen Valentinstag euch allen! [<3]

Wie geht/ging war Valentinstag für euch? Habt ihr euren Partner oder enge Freunde getroffen?

Ich hatte einen schönen Tag mit einer guten Freundin von mir, wir sind in der Stadt herumgelaufen und haben geredet. Wir haben eine große chinesische Gartenkunst besucht, wo wir Kuchen gegessen haben, und danach einen japanischen Buchladen. Abends haben wir in ihrer Wohnung eine Folge von einem anime Film zusammen angesehen.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Iyionaku »

Yīnwèi méiyǒu qíngrén, suǒyǐ qíng wèi wǒ méi tài tèshū. Gōngzuò ránhòu kànle diànshì, ōuzhōu guànjūn liánsài.

As I have no loved one, Valentine's day was not special for me. After work I watched TV, UEFA Champion's League.
Please call me Iyion [ˈiːɕɪ̯ɔ̈n]
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Imralu »

Znex wrote: 15 Feb 2018 11:03Did you get to meet up with your partners or close friends?
Basi, na nani wangu?
With my what now?

Nilifanya kazi nikaenda kwenye kinyozi.
I went to work and went to the hair dressers.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Znex »

有那麼少有配偶或者戀人的人嗎? 我發誓了,認識多人比那個。 [:'(]
yŏu nàme shăo yŏu peì'ŏu huòzhĕ liànrén de rén ma | wŏ fāshì le | rènshi duō rén bĭ nèige
Gibt's so wenig Leute, die ein/e Gatte/in oder ein/e Freund/in haben?? Ich hätte schwören können, dass ich mehr Leute als die kennen hätte.
Est-ce que y'a si peu de gens qu'ait un/e époux/se o un amour?? J'aurais juré que j'aie connu plus de gens que ça.
Tem tão pouca gente que tenha um/a cônjuge ou um amor?? Eu jurava que eu conhecia mais gente do que isso.
Oes cyn lleied o bobl sy priod neu gariad gynni hi?? Tynges i mod i'n nabod mwy o bobl na hyn.
An bheil cho beag de dhaoine an bheil céile no gaol aca?? Mhionnaich mi gun robh mi eòlach air bharrachd de dhaoine.
Are there so few people who have a spouse or love?? I could've sworn I knew of more people than that. [:'(]
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by ixals »

İlişkilerimiz varsa, bu internet forumunda değilimiz.
If we were in relationships, we wouldn't be in (on?) this internet forum.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by GrandPiano »

ixals wrote: 18 Feb 2018 09:42 İlişkilerimiz varsa, bu internet forumunda değilimiz.
If we were in relationships, we wouldn't be in (on?) this internet forum.
"on" ga tadashii.
"On" is correct.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Dormouse559 »

Znex wrote: 18 Feb 2018 09:00 Est-ce qu'y a si peu de gens qui ont un/e époux/se ou un amour?? J'aurais juré que je connaissais plus de gens que ça.
Mon amour c’est ma conlangue et je sors avec elle tous les jours.
My conlang is my love, and we go out everyday.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by All4Ɇn »

ixals wrote: 18 Feb 2018 09:42 İlişkilerimiz varsa, bu internet forumunda değilimiz.
If we were in relationships, we wouldn't be in (on?) this internet forum.
J'ai plus ou moins un petit ami... [:x]
I kinda have a boyfriend...
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by zyma »

Watashi mo hitori desu. Barentaindē ni kurasu ni mittsu itte, pasokon de Chūgoku no ryōri o kaimashita.
I'm also single. On Valentine's Day, I went to three classes, and I ordered Chinese food online.
ixals wrote: 18 Feb 2018 09:42 İlişkilerimiz varsa, bu internet forumunda değilimiz.
If we were in relationships, we wouldn't be in (on?) this internet forum.
¡Qué vero! [xD]
So true!
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Znex »

ixals wrote: 18 Feb 2018 09:42 İlişkilerimiz varsa, bu internet forumunda değilimiz.
If we were in relationships, we wouldn't be in (on?) this internet forum.
也許你不愿。。。 [D:]
yĕxŭ nĭ bú yuàn
Vielleicht würdest du nicht...
Peut-être c'est toi qui tu voudrais pas...
Você, talvez você não queria...
Ti nac oedd yn medru...
Cha bha thu fhèin ag iarraidh 's dòcha...
Maybe you wouldn't... [D:]
Dormouse559 wrote: 18 Feb 2018 17:41Mon amour c’est ma conlangue et je sors avec elle tous les jours.
My conlang is my love, and we go out everyday.
那這個愛激動我心!邀請我們來參加你的婚禮吧,好嗎? [xP]
nà zhè ge ài jīdòng wŏ xīn | yāoqĭng wŏmen lái cānjiā nĭ de hūnlĭ ba | hăo ma
Nun ist dies eine inspirierende Liebe! Lad ein uns in der Hochzeit, ne?
Maintenant, ceci, c'est un amour inspirant! Invit on au mariage, non?
Agora isso é um amor inspirador! Convida nos pro casório, né?
Rŵan dyma cariad llachar! Gwadda ni i'r briodas, on gwaddi di?
A-nis 's e seo a thà gaol brosnachail! Iarr sinn chun a' bhanais, nach iarr?
Now this is an inspiring love! Invite us to the wedding, won't you? [xP]
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Dormouse559 »

Znex wrote: 19 Feb 2018 01:54 Peut-être que c'est toi qui (ne) serais pas ici...


Maintenant, ceci, c'est un amour inspirant! Invite-nous au mariage, n'est-ce pas?
Avec plaisir.
With pleasure.

Tu préfèrerais du bœuf, du poulet ou du poisson ?
Would you like beef, chicken or fish?

shimobaatar wrote: 19 Feb 2018 01:34 私も独りです。バレンタインデーにクラスに三つ行って、パソコンで中国の料理を買いました。
Watashi mo hitori desu. Barentaindē ni kurasu ni mittsu itte, pasokon de Chūgoku no ryōri o kaimashita.
I'm also single. On Valentine's Day, I went to three classes, and I ordered Chinese food online.
Moi j'ai travaillé. Et puis j'ai regardé la chaîne de télévision publique. On y présente plusieurs émissions scientifiques le mercredi.
I worked. Then, I watched public television; they show several science shows on Wednesdays.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Znex »

Du bœuf, s'il te plaît. [:3]
Beef, please.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by zyma »

私も牛肉を食べたいです、下さい。 [:D]
Watashi mo gyūniku o tabetai desu, kudasai.
I'd also like beef, please.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by All4Ɇn »

Znex wrote: 19 Feb 2018 01:54Nun ist dies eine inspirierende Liebe! Lad ein uns zur Hochzeit ein, ne?
Dormouse559 wrote: 19 Feb 2018 05:58Tu préfèrerais du bœuf, du poulet ou du poisson ?
Would you like beef, chicken or fish?
Sakana ga taberenai node, gyūniku no hō ga ii deshō.
I can't eat fish so beef would be best.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

All4Ɇn wrote: 19 Feb 2018 15:14
Znex wrote: 19 Feb 2018 01:54Nun ist dies eine inspirierende Liebe! Lad ein uns zur Hochzeit ein, ne?
Dormouse559 wrote: 19 Feb 2018 05:58Tu préfèrerais du bœuf, du poulet ou du poisson ?
Would you like beef, chicken or fish?
Sakana ga taberenai node, gyūniku no hō ga ii deshō.
I can't eat fish so beef would be best.
Mi gata Tinkles no podía comer merlán; solía vomitarlo después de comerlo.
My she-cat Tinkles used to not be able to eat Whiting; she'd always throw it up after eating it.

Aveces con atún, también, pero salmón no le daba ningún problema.
Sometimes with tuna as well, but salmon didn't give her any problems. [/b] :roll:
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by GrandPiano »

Dormouse559 wrote: 19 Feb 2018 05:58Tu préfèrerais du bœuf, du poulet ou du poisson ?
Would you like beef, chicken or fish?
Chikin o kudasai!
Chicken, please!
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by ixals »

Neden kırmızı et yemek istiyorsunuz? Tavuk eti en iyi et! [B)]
Why do y'all want to eat beef? Chicken is the best meat!

All4Ɇn wrote: 19 Feb 2018 00:54 J'ai plus ou moins un petit ami... [:x]
I kinda have a boyfriend...
Öyleyse seni kıskanıyorum! [:P]
In that case, I envy you!

All4Ɇn wrote: 19 Feb 2018 15:14
Znex wrote: 19 Feb 2018 01:54Nun ist dies eine inspirierende Liebe! Lad ein uns zur Hochzeit ein, ne?
Ich füge noch einmal etwas hinzu: Ich würde "Now this is ..." nicht wortwörtlich übersetzen, sondern eher mit etwas in Richtung "Wenn das nicht ... ist".
I'll add something else as well: I wouldn't translate "Now this is ..." word by word, but rather with something along the lines of "Wenn das nicht ... ist".

Außerdem kommt mir das "ne?" hier falsch vor. "Ne?" würde ich nur benutzen, um sicherzugehen, ob eine Tatsache, ein Zustand o.Ä. wirklich so ist, wie es scheint. "Ok?" oder "in Ordnung?" wären natürlicher klingende Alternativen, aber wenn es mehr wie eine Art Drohung klingen sollte, würde ich "verstanden?" vorschlagen oder sogar "Lad uns bloß zur Hochzeit ein!".
Aside from that, "ne?" doesn't feel right to me. I'd only use "ne?" to make sure if a fact, a state or the like really is as it seems. "Ok?" or "in Ordnung?" would be more natural sounding alternatives, but if this was supposed to sound more like a threat, I would have used "verstanden?" or even "Lad uns bloß zur Hochzeit ein!".
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Znex »

Eine Art Drohnung?? Nein, nein! Ich war allzu zwanglos, aber gar nicht drohend!
A threat! No, no! I was overly casual, but never threatening!
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by zyma »

ixals wrote: 19 Feb 2018 18:36 Neden kırmızı et yemek istiyorsunuz? Tavuk eti en iyi et! [B)]
Why do y'all want to eat beef? Chicken is the best meat!
Watashi wa gyūniku mo toriniku mo ī to omoimasu.
I think that beef and chicken are both good.
Dormouse559 wrote: 19 Feb 2018 05:58 Moi j'ai travaillé. Et puis j'ai regardé la chaîne de télévision publique. On y présente plusieurs émissions scientifiques le mercredi.
I worked. Then, I watched public television; they show several science shows on Wednesdays.
¿De qué hablaron en estas programas de ciencia?
What did they talk about on these science shows?

Y por favor, no diga usted "de ciencia". [:P]
And please, don't say "about science".
The user formerly known as "shimobaatar".
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