Da Vinci Quote - Translation Challenge

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Da Vinci Quote - Translation Challenge

Post by Iyionaku »

Inspired by this thread by Adarain, but this time use your existing conlangs!

:eng: English

Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
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Re: Da Vinci Quote - Translation Challenge

Post by Reyzadren »

:con: griuskant (without script here)

kiyaez at oezslia roicsa, es kin uvos skuya ili aunaemkanziron vezh at shira uns uvos kin il skuya.
/'kijez 'at 'ɯzslia 'rɔitʃsa, 'əs 'kin 'uvɔs 'skuja 'ili 'aunemkanzirɔn vəʒ 'at 'ʃira uns 'uvɔs 'kin 'il 'skuja/
after V-PST intra-try-V hover-PL-V, 4SG will always want-V more-A 3D-can-go-EB-PASS because V-PST know-V and-PL always will more want-V
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Re: Da Vinci Quote - Translation Challenge

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: Yélian

Ars mivalei u'vigra on'espat, sa vutret neyevalta, sa robernei pas máncie fum naisblidei, viyd atonúm yibei, èpa carat neyvalalevéi pi dityacelitpecurvem.
[ɐɾʃ mɨˈʋaːlɛɪ̯ ʉˈʋigɾɐ ɔ̈ˈnespɐt, sa ˈvutɾət ˌneːʃəˈʋaltɐ, sa ɾɔ̈ˈbeɾnɛɪ̯ pɐʃ ˈmaŋkɪ̯ə ɸʉm naɪ̯sˈbliːdɛɪ̯, va̯iːd ɐtɔ̈ˈnuːm ˈɕiːbɛɪ̯, ɛpɐ ˈkaːɾɐt ˌneʃʋɐlaləˈʋɛɪ̯ pɨ dɨt͡ʃɐˌkeːlɨpəˈkuɾvəm]
as_soon_as once-see-2SG DEF.INAN=rose DEF.GEN=flight, 2SG INT forever, 2SG FUT-walk-2SG on earth while above-look-2SG, because there PST-COP.2SG, and now forever-wish-2SG that COND-POT-return-COND.2SG
Once you've seen the rose of flying, you will forever walk on earth while looking above, because you have been there, and now you will wish forever that you might be able to return.

New words/phrases for this challenge:

vala u'vigra - to taste, acquire a taste for sth., to grow to like (by experiencing)
Etymology: Literally "to see the rose"

celitpecura [ˌkeːlɨpəˈkuːɾɐ] - to go back, to return to
Etymology: celit "again, back" + pecura "to return"
Usage notes: celitpecura is stronger than just pecura. You would normally only use it in a context where you cannot return.
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Re: Da Vinci Quote - Translation Challenge

Post by prettydragoon »

:con: Rireinutire

vimana karo ñakako yakavo· saro hasihasiti sosuesañi okuña ratona vesukavo· siñi hii saha yakiri saha ñeyoro puñeta yosikavo:
/ˈvimɑnɑ ˈkɑɹo ˈŋɑkɑko ˈjɑkɑvo | ˈsɑɹo ˈhɑsiˌhɑsiti ˈsosuˌesɑŋi ˈokuŋɑ ˈɹɑtonɑ ˈvesukɑvo | ˈsiŋi hiː ˈsɑhɑ ˈjɑkiɹi ˈsɑhɑ ˈŋeyoɹo ˈpuŋetɑ ˈjosikɑvo/
vima-na karo ñaka-ko ya-ka-vo | saro hasi-hasi-ti sosu-esa-ñi oku-ña rato-na vesu-ka-vo | siñi hii saha ya-kiri saha ñeyoro puñe-ta yosi-ka-vo ||
flight-PTV when.REL taste-PSPART be-PRS-INFR | then.ADV forever-forever-ADVZ sky-turn-PPP eye-COM ground-PTV tread-PRS-INFR | because that.CONJ there.ADV be-GER there.ADV always return-INF long-PRS-INFR ||

Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.

Translation challenge 87/100
What is this, how you say, Rireinutire?
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Re: Da Vinci Quote - Translation Challenge

Post by lsd »

:con: 3SDL:

(men, former sky travelers, and ground travelers and gazers of the sky having been traveled and indicated by future travels of them...)
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Re: Da Vinci Quote - Translation Challenge

Post by Batz »

:con: Naguil

Sei ligh naon ainamilis pegun, arvalea olunin bidel reo ainimeis edhennien tui, anao fiel aivirgil, kue fein veo ailinea rimel.
/sɛi 'liç 'naʊn aɪ̯'naːmilɪs 'pʰeːgun | ar'vaːlɛ.a o'luːnin 'biːdɛl 'rɛɔ aɪ̯'niːmɛis ɛ'ðɛnːi.ɛn 'tʰu.i || a'naːʊ 'fjɛl aɪ̯'viːrgil | 'kwɛː 'fɛin 'vɛɔ aɪ̯'liːnɛ.a 'riːmɛl/
Sei ligh na-on ai-nam-ilis peg-un, ar-val-ea o-lun-in bid-el reo ai-nim-eis e-dhenn-ien tui, a-na-o f-iel ai-virg-il, kue f-ein veo ai-lin-ea rim-el.
if one moment-TMP 2SG-enjoy-PST.MED flight-TMP, 2SG-go-FUT DEF.ART-earth-LOC eternal-ADJ.TMP with 2SG-eye-ACC.PL DEF.ART-sky-ALL side, DEF.ART-reason-ABL there-LOC 2SG-be.there-PST, as.well there-ALL back 2SG-long-FUT always-TMP.
If one time you have enjoyed (yourself during a) flight, you will walk on the earth forever with your eyes towards the sky, because there you have been, and there back you long always.
:deu:: mother tongue | :eng:: fluent (at work) | :swe:: room for improvement | :fra:: 2nd foreign lang in school | :chn:: poor
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Re: Da Vinci Quote - Translation Challenge

Post by VaptuantaDoi »

:con: Ärque

Iphanänt oerqhaethue eumpuovuöđümel iusmbonttuoeṛiaöt, uphasncuiti, iphetlen asncuitaethue.
[ˈipʰaˌnænt ˈo͡eɾqʰae̯ˌtʷʰe ˈeu̯ᵐpʷoˌβʷøðyˌmeɫʷ ˈi͡uzᵐboⁿtˌtʷo͡eʁʲaø̯t | uˈpʰazⁿt͡su͡iˌti | ˈipʰeˌt͡ɬen ˈazⁿt͡su͡iˌtae̯tʷʰe]
i-ph-anä-n=t o-eorqha=ethue eu-mpu-ovuö-ađü=mel ius-mb-onttuo-äṛiaö=t, u-eu-ph-asncui=ti i-ph-etle-n asncui=tao=ethue
FUT-go.SG-foot-FACT=2.IPFV OBL-Earth=always COMPL.PPL-break.SG-mouth-wing=2.INCHO CONT.PPL-perceive.SG-eye-sky=2.IPFV, ABL-COMPL.PPL-go.SG-DEICT=2.PFV FUT-go.SG-return-FACT DEICT=2.OPT=always

"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

Or in Ärquelatin, ambulābis terramsemper volātexpertuste cælispectānste, quiaibiīstī ibivolībissemper. From this we can extrapolate Ärquefrench amblais terrasampre voulépartoût ceûpoitât, cégît évoulivessampre and Ärquespanish amolabes terrasiempre boladespertoste celespechaste, zaibiste ebevolibesiempre.

Note how in participles (completive eu- and continuous ius-), noun incorporation does form new roots; hence eumpuovuöđümel ‘having tasted flight’ vs. impuovuö ađümel ‘you will taste flight’. Also note the ablative completive participle in u-eu-u- (cf. u-ius-uis-), meaning ‘because of having done X’. Uphasncuiti also contains the discourse deictic asncui, which when incorporated refers back to the previously incorporated argument (in this case ‘sky’), i.e. ‘because of you having been there.’

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