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I have no idea what I'm doing

Posted: 29 Aug 2024 20:53
by lurker
Yeah, it's another old meme reference. This one's been stuck in my head for weeks, and I'm at a loss on how to translate it into Commonthroat. The way in which you form relative clauses is currently in flux, and I don't yet have a word for "to do" (is that a universal thing?), but I think I can pull it off thus:

smrnl GJ
smrn-l GJ-0
not_know-1 work-A
I work without knowing
Or more literally
I, the unknowing one, work/make.

You could also say

GJ-l smrn-0
work-1 not_know-A
I, the worker/maker, do not know.

smrn = sm- (un-) + rn (know). To not know, be ignorant.

Re: I have no idea what I'm doing

Posted: 29 Aug 2024 21:00
by lsd
(my lack of understanding of the action of now of me...)

Re: I have no idea what I'm doing

Posted: 29 Aug 2024 22:32
by Batz
:con: Naguil

Elsea y banain ansaon elbea.
/ɛl'zɛːa yː 'baːnaɪ̯n an'zaʊn ɛl'bɛːa/
El-se-a y ban-ain an-sa-on el-be-a.
1SG-have-PRS NEG knowledge-ACC DEF.ART-matter-TMP 1SG-do-PRS.
I have no knowledge during the thing I do.

Re: I have no idea what I'm doing

Posted: 04 Sep 2024 23:49
by Reyzadren
:con: griushkoent (without script here)

uvaens arsa.
/'uvens 'arsa/