Phonology Evolution Game
Phonology Evolution Game
Post sound changes from previous phonology and post a result of these changes. Wait until someone else will do the same. Repeat.
First phonology (X-Sampa):
/p b t d k g/
/s S h/
/m n N/
/l r/
/j w/
/i i: u u:/
/e e: @ o o:/
/a a:/
/ai a:i au a:u/
CVC; stress on forst syllable
allowed consonant clusters: pS tS kS ph th kh mb nd Ng Sl hl jl wl Sr hr jr wr
First phonology (X-Sampa):
/p b t d k g/
/s S h/
/m n N/
/l r/
/j w/
/i i: u u:/
/e e: @ o o:/
/a a:/
/ai a:i au a:u/
CVC; stress on forst syllable
allowed consonant clusters: pS tS kS ph th kh mb nd Ng Sl hl jl wl Sr hr jr wr
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
/f v θ ð s ʃ x ɣ/
/m n N/
/l r/
/j v/
/i i: u u:/
/e e: ə o o:/
/a a:/
/ai a:i au a:u/
CVC; stress on first syllable
allowed consonant clusters: pS tS kS px tx kx mb nd Ng Sl xl lj vl Sr hr rj vr
At work. Will be back.
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
/f ʋ θ ð s ʃ x ɣ/
/m n ɲ ŋ ɴ/
/l ɹ/
/j ʋ/
/ì í ù ú/
/è é ə̀ ò ó/
/à á/
/ɛ̀ ɛ́ ɔ̀ ɔ́/
CVC; stress on first syllable
allowed consonant clusters: pS tS kS px tx kx mb nd Ng Sl xl lj ʋl Sɹ xɹ ɹj ʋɹ
My website is:
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
Sorry if I'm misunderstanding something, but isn't part of the game supposed to be outlining the sound changes that lead from one inventory to the next, rather than just posting the resulting inventory?
The user formerly known as "shimobaatar".
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
Oh, right. Sorry.
/w/ -> /v/
Lenition occurs in open syllables.
/h/ -> /x/ in clusters
/jr jl/ transpose
/p b t d k g/
/f v θ ð s ʃ x ɣ/
/m n N/
/l r/
/j v/
/i i: u u:/
/e e: ə o o:/
/a a:/
/ai a:i au a:u/
CVC; stress on first syllable
allowed consonant clusters: pS tS kS px tx kx mb nd Ng Sl xl lj vl Sr hr rj vr
/w/ -> /v/
Lenition occurs in open syllables.
/h/ -> /x/ in clusters
/jr jl/ transpose
/p b t d k g/
/f v θ ð s ʃ x ɣ/
/m n N/
/l r/
/j v/
/i i: u u:/
/e e: ə o o:/
/a a:/
/ai a:i au a:u/
CVC; stress on first syllable
allowed consonant clusters: pS tS kS px tx kx mb nd Ng Sl xl lj vl Sr hr rj vr
At work. Will be back.
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
/p b t d k g/
/f v θ ð s ʃ x ɣ/
/m n N/
/l r/
/j v/
/i i: u u:/
/e e: ə o o:/
/a a:/
/ai a:i au a:u/
CVC; stress on first syllable
allowed consonant clusters: pS tS kS px tx kx mb nd Ng Sl xl lj vl Sr hr rj vr
All the current clusters are now interpreted as single consonants.
Sl xl lj vl Sr hr rj vr > ɬʲ ɬ lʲ l r̥ʲ r̥ rʲ r; dialectal realizations can be anywhere from /ç ɬ ʝ l ʂ r̥ ʐ r/ to /ɬ ʍ l w r̥ ʀ̥ r ʀ/.
All /ə/ instances are deleted unless that would create clusters of more than 2 consonants, after reanalysis of Cj as Cʲ. /s x~h/ both palatalize to /ʃ/, /ɣ/ to /ʒ/.
Irregular /s/ > /z/.
/f θ/ and /v ð/ merge to /h̪͆/ and /ɦ̪͆/; they are still realized as /f v/ adjacent to labials and /θ ð/ adjacent to coronals.
At this point, /pʃ tʃ kʃ px tx kx/ fill the positions of what would otherwise be /pʲʰ tʲʰ kʲʰ pʰ tʰ kʰ/.
New phonology:
/m mʲ n nʲ ŋ ŋʲ/
/px pʃ tx tʃ kx kʃ/
/p pʲ t tʲ k kʲ/
/b bʲ d dʲ g gʲ/
/mb mbʲ nd ndʲ ŋg ŋgʲ/
/h̪͆ h̪͆ʲ s ʃ x~h/
/ɦ̪͆ ɦ̪͆ʲ z ʒ ɣ/
/ɬ ɬʲ r̥ r̥ʲ/
/l lʲ r rʲ j/
/i i: u u:/
/e e: ə o o:/
/a a:/
/ai a:i au a:u/
CVC, no restrictions on clusters. Stress on first syllable that doesn’t have /ə/ in the V position.
/f v θ ð s ʃ x ɣ/
/m n N/
/l r/
/j v/
/i i: u u:/
/e e: ə o o:/
/a a:/
/ai a:i au a:u/
CVC; stress on first syllable
allowed consonant clusters: pS tS kS px tx kx mb nd Ng Sl xl lj vl Sr hr rj vr
All the current clusters are now interpreted as single consonants.
Sl xl lj vl Sr hr rj vr > ɬʲ ɬ lʲ l r̥ʲ r̥ rʲ r; dialectal realizations can be anywhere from /ç ɬ ʝ l ʂ r̥ ʐ r/ to /ɬ ʍ l w r̥ ʀ̥ r ʀ/.
All /ə/ instances are deleted unless that would create clusters of more than 2 consonants, after reanalysis of Cj as Cʲ. /s x~h/ both palatalize to /ʃ/, /ɣ/ to /ʒ/.
Irregular /s/ > /z/.
/f θ/ and /v ð/ merge to /h̪͆/ and /ɦ̪͆/; they are still realized as /f v/ adjacent to labials and /θ ð/ adjacent to coronals.
At this point, /pʃ tʃ kʃ px tx kx/ fill the positions of what would otherwise be /pʲʰ tʲʰ kʲʰ pʰ tʰ kʰ/.
New phonology:
/m mʲ n nʲ ŋ ŋʲ/
/px pʃ tx tʃ kx kʃ/
/p pʲ t tʲ k kʲ/
/b bʲ d dʲ g gʲ/
/mb mbʲ nd ndʲ ŋg ŋgʲ/
/h̪͆ h̪͆ʲ s ʃ x~h/
/ɦ̪͆ ɦ̪͆ʲ z ʒ ɣ/
/ɬ ɬʲ r̥ r̥ʲ/
/l lʲ r rʲ j/
/i i: u u:/
/e e: ə o o:/
/a a:/
/ai a:i au a:u/
CVC, no restrictions on clusters. Stress on first syllable that doesn’t have /ə/ in the V position.
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
Clusters /pʃ tʃ kʃ/ become /psʰ tsʰ ksʰ/.
Clusters /px tx kx/ become /pˠ tˠ kˠ/, creating a 3-way distinction in unvoiced stops. /ɬ l r r̥/ become velarized to /ɬˠ lˠ ʁˠ ʀˠ/.
/mbʲ ndʲ ŋgʲ/ lenitiate to /mvʲ nðʲ ŋʝ/.
/h̪͆ ɦ̪͆ h̪͆ʲ ɦ̪͆ʲ/ become /ɸ̫ β̫ θʲ ðʲ/.
Clusters of the following are now illegal and must be epenethetically separated with /ə/:
stop then nasal or nasalized anything, or then affricate, or then lateral;
prenasalized stops then anything;
affricates then anything;
fricatives then anything;
rhotics then anything.
Everything else is legal.
/ai a:i au a:u e e: o o:/ become /ɔi æ:i æu ɔ:u ei e:i ou o:u/. /æ:i ɔ:u/ are triple long, best depicted as /æei ɔou/.
/ə/ will mimic the vowel of whatever syllable came before it, or in the case of diphthongs, the latter half of the diphthong. In the case it begins a word, the sound of choice is /e/.
/m n ŋ mʲ nʲ ŋʲ/
/psʰ tsʰ ksʰ/
/pˠ tˠ kˠ p t k pʲ tʲ kʲ/
/b d g bʲ dʲ gʲ/
/mb nd ŋg/
/ɸ̫ θʲ s ʃ x~h/
/β̫ ðʲ z ʒ ɣ/
/mvʲ nðʲ ŋʝ/
/ɬˠ ɬʲ ʀˠ r̥ʲ/
/lˠ lʲ ʁˠ rʲ j/
/i i: u u:/
/ei e:i ou o:u/
/æei ɔou/
/a a:/
/ɔi æu/
CVC. Stress on first or second syllable.
Restrictions on clusters - they may not start with rhotics, prenasalized stops, fricatives, or affricates; and if the first sound is a stop, the second may not be a nasal or nasalized consonant, affricate, or lateral.
Clusters /px tx kx/ become /pˠ tˠ kˠ/, creating a 3-way distinction in unvoiced stops. /ɬ l r r̥/ become velarized to /ɬˠ lˠ ʁˠ ʀˠ/.
/mbʲ ndʲ ŋgʲ/ lenitiate to /mvʲ nðʲ ŋʝ/.
/h̪͆ ɦ̪͆ h̪͆ʲ ɦ̪͆ʲ/ become /ɸ̫ β̫ θʲ ðʲ/.
Clusters of the following are now illegal and must be epenethetically separated with /ə/:
stop then nasal or nasalized anything, or then affricate, or then lateral;
prenasalized stops then anything;
affricates then anything;
fricatives then anything;
rhotics then anything.
Everything else is legal.
/ai a:i au a:u e e: o o:/ become /ɔi æ:i æu ɔ:u ei e:i ou o:u/. /æ:i ɔ:u/ are triple long, best depicted as /æei ɔou/.
/ə/ will mimic the vowel of whatever syllable came before it, or in the case of diphthongs, the latter half of the diphthong. In the case it begins a word, the sound of choice is /e/.
/m n ŋ mʲ nʲ ŋʲ/
/psʰ tsʰ ksʰ/
/pˠ tˠ kˠ p t k pʲ tʲ kʲ/
/b d g bʲ dʲ gʲ/
/mb nd ŋg/
/ɸ̫ θʲ s ʃ x~h/
/β̫ ðʲ z ʒ ɣ/
/mvʲ nðʲ ŋʝ/
/ɬˠ ɬʲ ʀˠ r̥ʲ/
/lˠ lʲ ʁˠ rʲ j/
/i i: u u:/
/ei e:i ou o:u/
/æei ɔou/
/a a:/
/ɔi æu/
CVC. Stress on first or second syllable.
Restrictions on clusters - they may not start with rhotics, prenasalized stops, fricatives, or affricates; and if the first sound is a stop, the second may not be a nasal or nasalized consonant, affricate, or lateral.
At work. Will be back.
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
These are many changes:Visions1 wrote: ↑15 Oct 2024 06:53 Clusters /pʃ tʃ kʃ/ become /psʰ tsʰ ksʰ/.
Clusters /px tx kx/ become /pˠ tˠ kˠ/, creating a 3-way distinction in unvoiced stops. /ɬ l r r̥/ become velarized to /ɬˠ lˠ ʁˠ ʀˠ/.
/mbʲ ndʲ ŋgʲ/ lenitiate to /mvʲ nðʲ ŋʝ/.
/h̪͆ ɦ̪͆ h̪͆ʲ ɦ̪͆ʲ/ become /ɸ̫ β̫ θʲ ðʲ/.
Clusters of the following are now illegal and must be epenethetically separated with /ə/:
stop then nasal or nasalized anything, or then affricate, or then lateral;
prenasalized stops then anything;
affricates then anything;
fricatives then anything;
rhotics then anything.
Everything else is legal.
/ai a:i au a:u e e: o o:/ become /ɔi æ:i æu ɔ:u ei e:i ou o:u/. /æ:i ɔ:u/ are triple long, best depicted as /æei ɔou/.
/ə/ will mimic the vowel of whatever syllable came before it, or in the case of diphthongs, the latter half of the diphthong. In the case it begins a word, the sound of choice is /e/.
/m n ŋ mʲ nʲ ŋʲ/
/psʰ tsʰ ksʰ/
/pˠ tˠ kˠ p t k pʲ tʲ kʲ/
/b d g bʲ dʲ gʲ/
/mb nd ŋg/
/ɸ̫ θʲ s ʃ x~h/
/β̫ ðʲ z ʒ ɣ/
/mvʲ nðʲ ŋʝ/
/ɬˠ ɬʲ ʀˠ r̥ʲ/
/lˠ lʲ ʁˠ rʲ j/
/i i: u u:/
/ei e:i ou o:u/
/æei ɔou/
/a a:/
/ɔi æu/
CVC. Stress on first or second syllable.
Restrictions on clusters - they may not start with rhotics, prenasalized stops, fricatives, or affricates; and if the first sound is a stop, the second may not be a nasal or nasalized consonant, affricate, or lateral.
/nʲ/ becomes /ɲ/ and /ŋʲ/ merged into /ɲ/.
/psʰ tsʰ ksʰ/ becomes /p̪͡f t̪͡θ q͡χ/.
/pˠ tˠ kˠ/ merged into /p t k/.
/tʲ dʲ/ becomes /c ɟ/ and /kʲ ɡʲ/ merged into /c ɟ/.
/mb nd ŋg/ becomes /ᵐb ⁿd ᵑɡ/.
/ɸ̫ β̫ θʲ ðʲ x⁓h ɣ/ becomes /f v ɕ ʑ χ ʁ/.
/mvʲ nðʲ ŋʝ/ becomes /ᶬv ⁿʑ ᶮʝ/.
/ɬˠ ʀˠ r̥ʲ/ becomes /ɬ ʀ ç/.
/lˠ lʲ ʁˠ rʲ j/ becomes /ɫ ʎ ɢ ʝ j/.
/V:/ becomes /ˈV/
/æei ɔou/ becomes shifted /ɛj ow/
/ɔi æu/ becomes shifted /oj ɛw/
/m mʲ n ɲ ŋ/
/p̪͡f t̪͡θ q͡χ/
/p pʲ t c k/
/b bʲ d ɟ ɡ ɢ/
/ᵐb ⁿd ᵑg/
/f s ʃ ɕ ç χ/
/v z ʒ ʑ ʝ ʁ/
/ᶬv ⁿʑ ᶮʝ/
/ɬ ɬʲ/
/ɫ ʎ/
/i ˈi u ˈu/
/a ˈa/
/ei ˈei oj ow ou ˈou/
/ɛj ɛw/
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Re: Phonology Evolution Game
/ei ˈei oj ow ou ˈou/ > /i ˈe e u u ˈo/
/ɛj ɛw/ > /e o/
/t̪͡θ q͡χ/ > /θ q/
/ɢ ʀ/ > /ʁ ʁ/
/c ɟ ç ʝ ᶬv ⁿʑ ᶮʝ/ > /t͡ɕ d͡ʑ ɕ ʑ ᵐb ⁿd͡ʑ ⁿd͡ʑ/
/ə/ is inserted between any two consonants
/ə/ > /i/ when adjacent to any of /pʲ t͡ɕ bʲ d͡ʑ ⁿd͡ʑ ɬʲ ɕ ʑ mʲ ɲ j ʎ/
/ə/ > /u/ when adjacent to any of /p p̪͡f b ᵐb f v m/
/ə/ > /a/ when adjacent to any of /q χ ʁ/
/ə/ > /o/ when adjacent to /ɫ/
/ə/ > /e/ elsewhere
/p pʲ p̪͡f t t͡ɕ k q/
/b bʲ d d͡ʑ g/
/ᵐb ⁿd ⁿd͡ʑ ᵑg/
/f θ s ɬ ɬʲ ʃ ɕ χ/
/v z ʒ ʑ ʁ/
/m mʲ n ɲ ŋ/
/ɫ j ʎ/
/i u/
/e o/
Coda consonants are only allowed word-finally.
/ɛj ɛw/ > /e o/
/t̪͡θ q͡χ/ > /θ q/
/ɢ ʀ/ > /ʁ ʁ/
/c ɟ ç ʝ ᶬv ⁿʑ ᶮʝ/ > /t͡ɕ d͡ʑ ɕ ʑ ᵐb ⁿd͡ʑ ⁿd͡ʑ/
/ə/ is inserted between any two consonants
/ə/ > /i/ when adjacent to any of /pʲ t͡ɕ bʲ d͡ʑ ⁿd͡ʑ ɬʲ ɕ ʑ mʲ ɲ j ʎ/
/ə/ > /u/ when adjacent to any of /p p̪͡f b ᵐb f v m/
/ə/ > /a/ when adjacent to any of /q χ ʁ/
/ə/ > /o/ when adjacent to /ɫ/
/ə/ > /e/ elsewhere
/p pʲ p̪͡f t t͡ɕ k q/
/b bʲ d d͡ʑ g/
/ᵐb ⁿd ⁿd͡ʑ ᵑg/
/f θ s ɬ ɬʲ ʃ ɕ χ/
/v z ʒ ʑ ʁ/
/m mʲ n ɲ ŋ/
/ɫ j ʎ/
/i u/
/e o/
Coda consonants are only allowed word-finally.
The user formerly known as "shimobaatar".
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
/ə/ does not exist in the language's previous form.
At work. Will be back.
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
I'm aware. I don't see why that's a problem, though.
The user formerly known as "shimobaatar".
- LinguistCat
- sinic
- Posts: 366
- Joined: 06 May 2017 07:48
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
You're right. My apologies.
At work. Will be back.
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
No worries! It happens.
The user formerly known as "shimobaatar".
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
/q/ becomes /ʔ/.
/i u e o a/ in front of or behind /mʲ ɲ pʲ t͡ɕ bʲ d͡ʑ ⁿd͡ʑ ɬʲ ʎ ɕ ʑ/ become /i y e ø æ/; elsewhere they become /ɪ u æ o ä/. /ə/ merges with /ɪ/.
Palatialization is deleted in all of the above, creating /m n p t͡ɕ b d͡ʑ ⁿd͡ʑ ɬ j ɕ ʑ/.
/pf f v/ become /pʰ ɸ̜ ɥ/. /θ/ becomes /h/.
/ᵐb ⁿd ⁿd͡ʑ ᵑg/ become /mb nd nd͡ʑ ŋg/, or as onsets, /ɪmb ɪnd ɪnd͡ʑ ɪŋg/.
/m n ŋ/
/p t t͡ɕ k ʔ/
/b d d͡ʑ g/
/ɸ̜ s ɕ ʃ χ h/
/z ʑ ʒ ʁ/
/ɬ ɫ j ɥ/
/i y u/
/e ø o/
/æ a/
Non-nasal coda consonants are only allowed word-finally.
/i u e o a/ in front of or behind /mʲ ɲ pʲ t͡ɕ bʲ d͡ʑ ⁿd͡ʑ ɬʲ ʎ ɕ ʑ/ become /i y e ø æ/; elsewhere they become /ɪ u æ o ä/. /ə/ merges with /ɪ/.
Palatialization is deleted in all of the above, creating /m n p t͡ɕ b d͡ʑ ⁿd͡ʑ ɬ j ɕ ʑ/.
/pf f v/ become /pʰ ɸ̜ ɥ/. /θ/ becomes /h/.
/ᵐb ⁿd ⁿd͡ʑ ᵑg/ become /mb nd nd͡ʑ ŋg/, or as onsets, /ɪmb ɪnd ɪnd͡ʑ ɪŋg/.
/m n ŋ/
/p t t͡ɕ k ʔ/
/b d d͡ʑ g/
/ɸ̜ s ɕ ʃ χ h/
/z ʑ ʒ ʁ/
/ɬ ɫ j ɥ/
/i y u/
/e ø o/
/æ a/
Non-nasal coda consonants are only allowed word-finally.
At work. Will be back.
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
/t͡ɕ d͡ʑ/ becomes /k̟ ɡ˖/.Visions1 wrote: ↑16 Oct 2024 05:28 /q/ becomes /ʔ/.
/i u e o a/ in front of or behind /mʲ ɲ pʲ t͡ɕ bʲ d͡ʑ ⁿd͡ʑ ɬʲ ʎ ɕ ʑ/ become /i y e ø æ/; elsewhere they become /ɪ u æ o ä/. /ə/ merges with /ɪ/.
Palatialization is deleted in all of the above, creating /m n p t͡ɕ b d͡ʑ ⁿd͡ʑ ɬ j ɕ ʑ/.
/pf f v/ become /pʰ ɸ̜ ɥ/. /θ/ becomes /h/.
/ᵐb ⁿd ⁿd͡ʑ ᵑg/ become /mb nd nd͡ʑ ŋg/, or as onsets, /ɪmb ɪnd ɪnd͡ʑ ɪŋg/.
/m n ŋ/
/p t t͡ɕ k ʔ/
/b d d͡ʑ g/
/ɸ̜ s ɕ ʃ χ h/
/z ʑ ʒ ʁ/
/ɬ ɫ j ɥ/
/i y u/
/e ø o/
/æ a/
Non-nasal coda consonants are only allowed word-finally.
/pʰ/ becomes /f/.
/ɸ̜/ becomes allophonic /ɸ͑ʷ⁓ʍ̜/, since C̜ = C̜ʷ except if C = /ʍ, ɥ, w/.
/ɕ ʑ χ ʁ/ becomes /t͡ʃ d͡ʒ x ɣ/ and /h/ becomes voiced /ɦ/.
/ɬ ɫ/ becomes /t͡s l/.
/ɥ/ becomes /w/.
/ɪ/ becomes /ɨ/.
/æ a/ becomes /ɛ ɐ/.
/m n ŋ/
/p t k̟ k ʔ/
/b d ɡ˖ ɡ/
/ɸ͑ʷ⁓ʍ̜ f s ʃ x/
/z ʒ ɣ ɦ/
/j w/
/t͡s t͡ʃ d͡ʒ/
/i y ɨ u/
/e ø o/
Last edited by rospyiya on 16 Oct 2024 07:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Phonology Evolution Game
Where did the glides come from? Last post was CV(C).
At work. Will be back.
Re: Phonology Evolution Game
Glides are /j/ and /w/.
My website is: