Please provide glossing that makes it possible for others to linguistically parse your translation.
I haven't mastered the technique,
and for a conlang(er) for whom only the semantics matter,
it's much less useful than back translations...
but you can probably produce one,
based on these back translations...
I can redraw the words and the translation to match...
each message must be considered as a single word...
each group of letters is a single sign...
for what it's worth...
e¹ |ª¾ i³ g¬ª fS
(me not-knowing place lived-by you...)
+p^ r_ pčā
(me living-at my-place...)
However, I'd like to see you all produce back translations,
to see the semantic correspondences,
rather than the regrammarizations (or anti-relexes) that are gloses...
grammar is the skeleton that gives a form to language,
semantics is its flesh that makes it sexy...