Language practice thread 2

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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Znex »

Visions1 wrote: 12 Jan 2024 22:16
Arayaz wrote: 12 Jan 2024 17:43 Que lingua é?
What language is that?
'Arɔmayyɔ Mizrɔḥi.
Eastern Aramaic.
O'n i'n tybio, ond wyt ti'n defnyddio'r rhufeinieddio? O'n i'n meddwl bod yr Aramaeg yn cael ei sgrifennu yn yr Arabeg neu yn y Syrieg?
I did wonder, but you're using the romanisation? I thought (modern or not) Aramaic was written in Arabic or Syriac?

Ond trwy'r trwch dw i'n hoffi bod pobl yn ei dysgu.
But I love that people are learning it in any case.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Arayaz »

Aprenderia linguas melhor se aprenderia uma de uma vez, mais sempre tenho muitas linguas que quer estudiar.
I'd learn languages better if I did one at a time, but I always have several that I want to study.

ʔáwə c ʔə́y̕ nənəxʷsƛ̕ay̕əmúcən, ʔiʔ ʔuʔ p̓p̓áct cn.
I can't speak good Klallam, but I try.

És magyarul. Magyarul ... nem beszélek.
And Hungarian. I ... don't speak Hungarian.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Visions1 »

Znex wrote: 13 Jan 2024 01:33
Visions1 wrote: 12 Jan 2024 22:16
Arayaz wrote: 12 Jan 2024 17:43 Que lingua é?
What language is that?
'Arɔmayyɔ Mizrɔḥi.
Eastern Aramaic.
O'n i'n tybio, ond wyt ti'n defnyddio'r rhufeinieddio? O'n i'n meddwl bod yr Aramaeg yn cael ei sgrifennu yn yr Arabeg neu yn y Syrieg?
I did wonder, but you're using the romanisation? I thought (modern or not) Aramaic was written in Arabic or Syriac?

Ond trwy'r trwch dw i'n hoffi bod pobl yn ei dysgu.
But I love that people are learning it in any case.
Da`na'. Qaʃɔ' Hanɔn Li. Modɛ Anɔ' 'Ammillɔix.
I know. They're hard for me. I appreciate the [kind] words.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Arayaz »

Znex wrote: 12 Jan 2024 11:00 Dw i ddim yn dysgu y Sbaeneg ar hyn o bryd, ond dw i'n hapus i ymarfer ieithoedd eraill yma. Dŵn i ddim mod i wedi siarad llawer yn y Gymraeg ers sawl flynyddoedd rŵan.
/dwiː ðɪm ən 'dəskɨ ə 'spaɨ̯nɛg ar hɨːn ɔ brɨːd | ɔnd dwiːn 'hapɨs i ə'marvar 'jɛi̯θɔɨ̯ð 'ɛrai̯ɬ əmaː | duːn i ðɪm mɔd i 'wɛdi 'ʃarad 'ɬawɛr ən ə 'gəmraɨ̯g ɛrs saːu̯l vlə'nəðɔɨ̯ð 'ruːan/
I'm not learning Spanish at the moment, but I'm happy to practise other languages here. I don't know that I've spoken much in Welsh for some years now. [O.O]

Fy hoff gig i ydy cig mochyn heb os. Dw i'n hoffi cig eidion a chig oen hefyd, ond dw i ddim yn arbennig yn hoffi cig iâr. Dw i'n ei gweld mai go blaen mae o.
/(v)ə hɔf giːg i 'ədɨ kiːg 'mɔxɨn hɛb ɔs | dwiːn 'hɔfi kiːg 'ɛi̯djɔn a xiːg oːɨ̯n 'hɛvɨd | ɔnd dwiː ðɪm ən ar'bɛnɪg ən 'hɔfi kiːg jaːr | dwiːn i gwɛld mai goː blaːɨ̯n maː(ɨ̯) ɔ/
My favourite meat is pork for sure. I do also like beef and lamb, but I don't really like chicken. I find it rather bland. [:$]
Isso foi teu milésimo post!
Your thousandth post was this!

Acabei de fazer o meu.
I just made mine.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Arayaz »

Atrás unos días yo fui a una competencia distrito.
A few days ago I went to a district competition.

Los profesores de todos sujetos pueden nominar estudiantes para ir, y mi profesor de español me nominó.
The teachers of every subject could nominate students to go, and my Spanish teacher picked me.

Obtuve el segundo lugar (de siete estudiantes en mi nivel), así que voy a una competencia más ─ del estado.
I got second place (from seven students in my level), so I'm going to one more competition ─ for the state.

Voy tener que despertar muy temprano.
I will have to get up very early.

Necesito practicar más, también.
I need to practice more, also.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Visions1 »

Arayaz wrote: 14 Mar 2024 19:06 Obtuve el segundo lugar (de siete estudiantes en mi nivel), así que voy a una competencia más ─ del estado.
I got second place (from seven students in my level), so I'm going to one more competition ─ for the state.
You won?
Last edited by Visions1 on 22 Mar 2024 09:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Creyeditor »

E, sa su lama sekali tidak tulis di sini.
It's been a long time since I wrote in this thread

Padahal asik sebenarnya.
Even though it's actually fun.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Znex »

Sí, ¿ganaste? [:D]
Yes, did you win?

Mientras tanto, yo estoy decidiendo cómo debería mi nueva conlengua "Chwakesha" sentirse hace unos meses.
Meanwhile, I've been figuring out how my new conlang Chwakesha should feel for the past few months or so.

Me inspira mucho en las sistemas de cortesía que se pueden encontrar en algunas lenguas asiáticos como japonés y javanés, y también recientemente vi que swahili utiliza una sistema interesante de cortésia.
I'm very inspired by the politeness systems that are found in some Asian languages like Japanese and Javanese, and also I did see recently that Swahili uses an interesting politeness system.

Muchas de estas sistemas utilizan una base léxico diferente a la base central que se utiliza en el resto de la idioma, muy parecido a cómo palabras francesas se utilizan en inglés educado.
Many of these systems use a different lexical base to the core base that's used through the rest of the language, much the same as how French words are used in polite English.

Así que estoy planeando crear un conjunto de vocabulario que se inspira en las fonotácticas en español y unas idiomas nativas americanas, como taíno y caribán.
So I'm planning to create a vocabulary set inspired by the phonotactics of Spanish and some Native American languages like Taino and Cariban.
Last edited by Znex on 23 Mar 2024 00:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Arayaz »

Visions1 wrote: 22 Mar 2024 05:28
Arayaz wrote: 14 Mar 2024 19:06 Obtuve el segundo lugar (de siete estudiantes en mi nivel), así que voy a una competencia más ─ del estado.
I got second place (from seven students in my level), so I'm going to one more competition ─ for the state.
You won?
Znex wrote: 22 Mar 2024 10:46 Sí, ¿ganaste? [:D]
Yes, did you win?
Es el sábado.
It's on Saturday.

Espero ganar, pero dudo que va a pasar.
I hope I win, but I doubt it will happen.
Znex wrote: 22 Mar 2024 10:46 Mientras tanto, yo estoy decidiendo cómo debería mi nueva conlengua "Chwakesha" sentirse hace unos meses.
Meanwhile, I've been figuring out how my new conlang Chwakesha should feel for the past few months or so.
"Chwakesha" me recuerda a Kwaseka, una variante de mi Iyamri.
"Chwakesha" reminds me of Kwaseka, a dialect of my Iyamri.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Creyeditor »

Kalau gitu, bisa tanya ulang: ko memang?
So we can ask again: did you win?
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Arayaz »

Creyeditor wrote: 24 Mar 2024 13:25 Kalau gitu, bisa tanya ulang: ko memang?
So we can ask again: did you win?
No sé todavía.
I still don't know.

Los resultados no son disponsible todavía.
The results are not yet available.

Pero gracias para preguntar!
But thanks for asking! [:D]
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Arayaz »

Los resultados son disponsible!
The results are out!

Obtuve el tercero lugar de cinco en mi nivel.
I got third place out of five in my division.

Creo que estoy contenta con eso.
I'm happy with that, I think.

(Pero una otra estudiante de mi escuela obtuve el primer lugar en un nivel más alto de Español.)
(Although another student from my school got first place in a higher level of Spanish.)
Last edited by Arayaz on 03 Apr 2024 00:06, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Flavia »

Arayaz wrote: 02 Apr 2024 23:15 Los resultados son disponsible!
The results are out!

Obtuve el tercero lugar de cinco en mi nivel.
I got third place out of five in my division.

Creo que soy contenta con eso.
I'm happy with that, I think.

(Pero una otra estudiante de mi escuela obtuve el primer lugar en un nivel más alto de Español.)
(Although another student from my school got first place in a higher level of Spanish.)

Creo que debería ser "tercer lugar" en lugar de "tercero lugar", y "estoy contenta" en lugar de "soy contenta", pero podría estar equivocada.
I think it should be "tercer lugar" instead of "tercero lugar" and "estoy contenta" instead of "soy contenta", though I could be wrong.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Arayaz »

Flavia wrote: 02 Apr 2024 23:53
Arayaz wrote: 02 Apr 2024 23:15 Los resultados son disponsible!
The results are out!

Obtuve el tercero lugar de cinco en mi nivel.
I got third place out of five in my division.

Creo que soy contenta con eso.
I'm happy with that, I think.

(Pero una otra estudiante de mi escuela obtuve el primer lugar en un nivel más alto de Español.)
(Although another student from my school got first place in a higher level of Spanish.)

Creo que debería ser "tercer lugar" en lugar de "tercero lugar", y "estoy contenta" en lugar de "soy contenta", pero podría estar equivocada.
I think it should be "tercer lugar" instead of "tercero lugar" and "estoy contenta" instead of "soy contenta", though I could be wrong.
Ay, si, tienes razón. ¡Gracias!
Ah, yes, you're right. Thanks!
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Visions1 »

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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by conlang-creature »

Vengo para escribir que casí termino mi primer curso de Español. Termino en siete semana.

Soy Estoy aprendiendo hacer unos mapas para la videojuego "Celeste". Quiero hacer un mapa de comida (smores).
Edit: I've come to write that I am almost finished with my first Spanish course. I finish in seven weeks.

I am learning to make some maps for the game "Celeste". I want to make a map about food (smores).
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Arayaz »

conlang-creature wrote: 08 Apr 2024 22:01 Vengo para escribir que casí termino mi primer curso de Español. Termino en siete semana.

Soy Estoy aprendiendo hacer unos mapas para la videojuego "Celeste". Quiero hacer un mapa de comida (smores).
Edit: I've come to write that I am almost finished with my first Spanish course. I finish in seven weeks.

I am learning to make some maps for the game "Celeste". I want to make a map about food (smores).
Mi amigo Ethan también quiere hacer mapas de Celeste.
My friend Ethan also wants to make Celeste maps.

Quiero jogar Celeste, pero no tengo una computadora de juego.
I've wanted to play Celeste, but I don't have a gaming computer.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Znex »

conlang-creature wrote: 08 Apr 2024 22:01I've come to write that I am almost finished with my first Spanish course. I finish in seven weeks.

I am learning to make some maps for the game "Celeste". I want to make a map about food (smores).
Da iawn! Wyt ti'n dal yn cofio popeth ti wedi dysgu yn y dosbarth?
Well done! Do you still remember everything you've learned in class?

Rho wybod i ni pan ddechreui di wneud y mapiau! Mi wn i mod i'n hun eisiau i weld beth byddi di'n creu.
Let us know when you start making the maps! I know I for one want to see what you'll come up with. [:D]
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by conlang-creature »

Znex wrote: 09 Apr 2024 16:07 Da iawn! Wyt ti'n dal yn cofio popeth ti wedi dysgu yn y dosbarth?
Well done! Do you still remember everything you've learned in class?
Mas o menos. A veces oblivo el vocabulario.
Most of it. Sometimes I forget the vocabulary.
Znex wrote: 09 Apr 2024 16:07 Rho wybod i ni pan ddechreui di wneud y mapiau! Mi wn i mod i'n hun eisiau i weld beth byddi di'n creu.
Let us know when you start making the maps! I know I for one want to see what you'll come up with. [:D]
Bien! Tristemente*, nunca ahora estoy muy ocupado.
Alright! Sadly, I am very busy now.

Tambien empiezo aprender los nombres de las comidas. Tengo nunca ahora un poco hambre en mis clases de español! [:P]
I am also beginning to learn the names of foods. Now I'm a bit hungry in my Spanish classes!

*I made this up on the spot, so feel free to correct me. On anything in these posts really.
Last edited by conlang-creature on 25 Apr 2024 16:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Language practice thread 2

Post by Flavia »

conlang-creature wrote: 25 Apr 2024 05:17
Znex wrote: 09 Apr 2024 16:07 Da iawn! Wyt ti'n dal yn cofio popeth ti wedi dysgu yn y dosbarth?
Well done! Do you still remember everything you've learned in class?
Mas o menos. A veces oblivo el vocabulario.
Most of it. Sometimes I forget the vocabulary.
Znex wrote: 09 Apr 2024 16:07 Rho wybod i ni pan ddechreui di wneud y mapiau! Mi wn i mod i'n hun eisiau i weld beth byddi di'n creu.
Let us know when you start making the maps! I know I for one want to see what you'll come up with. [:D]
Bien! Tristemente, nunca ahora estoy muy ocupado.
Alright! Sadly, I am very busy now.

Tambien empiezo a aprender los nombres de las comidas. Ahora tengo nunca un poco de hambre en mis clases de español! [:P]
I am also beginning to learn the names of foods. Now I'm a bit hungry in my Spanish classes!
Parece que confundiste "nunca" con la palabra "nunc" en Latín, que significa "ahora".
Seems like you confused "nunca" (Sp. never) with the Latin word "nunc", which means "now".
Abaniscen cancasirnemor!
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