Conlang Conversation Thread
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
Nai gizi vwendye mbavu. Nai bo dyongge zyi.
na=i gizi vwendye mbavu | na=i bo dyongge zyi
1S=COP REC.PSTᴱ examineᴬ apartment | 1S=COP wantᴬ purchaseᴬ GEN.DEF.SGᴱ
I just inspected an apartment. I want to buy it.
Nai bahe hongi.
na=i bahe hongi
1S=COP needᴬ fortunateᴱ
Wish me luck!
na=i gizi vwendye mbavu | na=i bo dyongge zyi
1S=COP REC.PSTᴱ examineᴬ apartment | 1S=COP wantᴬ purchaseᴬ GEN.DEF.SGᴱ
I just inspected an apartment. I want to buy it.
Nai bahe hongi.
na=i bahe hongi
1S=COP needᴬ fortunateᴱ
Wish me luck!
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
Asfeia tehí!Imralu wrote: ↑20 Jul 2024 08:02 Nai gizi vwendye mbavu. Nai bo dyongge zyi.
na=i gizi vwendye mbavu | na=i bo dyongge zyi
1S=COP REC.PSTᴱ examineᴬ apartment | 1S=COP wantᴬ purchaseᴬ GEN.DEF.SGᴱ
I just inspected an apartment. I want to buy it.
Nai bahe hongi.
na=i bahe hongi
1S=COP needᴬ fortunateᴱ
Wish me luck!
Good_luck you-DAT
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
(only you giving some having to give smile to man holding house wanted by you...)
hoping you're the only one to offer the right price...
(only you giving some having to give smile to man holding house wanted by you...)
hoping you're the only one to offer the right price...
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
Wawai ho!
2P=COP goodᴱ
Thank you (both)!
Nggehe u nai ngenoi nyezi ne dyoho!
price SIT 1S offerᴬ=COP PRES.RETᴱ haveᴬ acceptᴬ
The price I offered has been accepted.
2P=COP goodᴱ
Thank you (both)!
Nggehe u nai ngenoi nyezi ne dyoho!
price SIT 1S offerᴬ=COP PRES.RETᴱ haveᴬ acceptᴬ
The price I offered has been accepted.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
(you happy necessarily...)
(you happy necessarily...)
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
Wai ho.
Thank you!
Mbavui ne hyundwo ye da ye dwangya. Nai ga mwe za bandya vya u dwei lu zyi.
The apartment has a big, north-facing balcony. I'll be able to have a lot of plants on it.
Gwe nai ga ze nevwe.
And it's quite private.
(And I won't be able to be seen.)
Thank you!
Mbavui ne hyundwo ye da ye dwangya. Nai ga mwe za bandya vya u dwei lu zyi.
The apartment has a big, north-facing balcony. I'll be able to have a lot of plants on it.
Gwe nai ga ze nevwe.
And it's quite private.
(And I won't be able to be seen.)
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
I'm burnt out. I want to make conlangs, but I don't have the energy.
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
(my work on conlang and giving strength to me...)
on the contrary, conlanging gives me a boost...
(my work on conlang and giving strength to me...)
on the contrary, conlanging gives me a boost...
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
Di jab'iza lu aa'di lu. Hya ne le di'die todi lu |j'gin'zi|, j'gi'zae neta lu. J'gi'zae neta lu, ze. Di'die ez n'aa'die...
lit. I recently got a good job. The singular problem my body enters "fasting time", my hunger leaves. I never feel hungry, ever. My body is probably not healthy...
I recently got a job that I really enjoy. The only problem is that it sends my body into "nutrient savings mode", and it ends up throwing my hunger pangs for a loop. I haven't felt hungry after work, like, ever, and I'm fairly certain it's not healthy to only eat the fast food provided at my job.
lit. I recently got a good job. The singular problem my body enters "fasting time", my hunger leaves. I never feel hungry, ever. My body is probably not healthy...
I recently got a job that I really enjoy. The only problem is that it sends my body into "nutrient savings mode", and it ends up throwing my hunger pangs for a loop. I haven't felt hungry after work, like, ever, and I'm fairly certain it's not healthy to only eat the fast food provided at my job.
he/him, they/them
Forgive me if I seem uneducated or disorganized, I am new to the community and vocab.
currently hyperfocused on: Daas
Forgive me if I seem uneducated or disorganized, I am new to the community and vocab.
currently hyperfocused on: Daas
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
(new wording giving cheeks red hidden...)
conlanging is a shame to hide in itself...
(new wording giving cheeks red hidden...)
conlanging is a shame to hide in itself...
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
Wi fwaire do, nai dyo nggori zyedwa zyi mbavu nga.
SIT-COP Friday thus | 1S=COP receiveᴬ twig open(TR)ᴬ GEN.DEF.SGᴱ apartment GEN.1S
On Friday, I get the keys to my apartment.
SIT-COP Friday thus | 1S=COP receiveᴬ twig open(TR)ᴬ GEN.DEF.SGᴱ apartment GEN.1S
On Friday, I get the keys to my apartment.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
ṭobayna agami-yo ni, alibayna ṭojə-yo ni...
my thread
proud member of the myopic-trans-southerner-viossa-girl-with-two-cats-who-joined-on-september-6th-2022 gang
my thread
proud member of the myopic-trans-southerner-viossa-girl-with-two-cats-who-joined-on-september-6th-2022 gang
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
hVÁ ¯~ÂÚ¶¯Ri¼imralu wrote:Wi fwaire do, nai dyo nggori zyedwa zyi mbavu nga.
(my lack of knowledge of the land of your future home...)
in which country, your new flat...
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
I lu bu Qoselya
COP LOCᴱ land Australia
It's in Australia.
Wi nyodye zi gwa do, nai dzi do mbo.
SIT-COP year PSTᴱ twoᴱ then | 1S=COP returnᴬ then stayᴬ
Two years ago, I moved back.
Last edited by Imralu on 14 Aug 2024 04:10, edited 1 time in total.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
(your house under feet mine...)
a home of your own on the antipode of mine...
(your house under feet mine...)
a home of your own on the antipode of mine...
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
Ha wai nggwalwe u mi Zwara Qatilandiki u ndyu Ndyobu Kanariya?
Q 2S=COP resideᴬ SIT INESSᴱ Ocean Atlantic SIT nearᴱ archipelago Canary.Islands
Do you live in the Atlantic Ocean near the Canary Islands?
Ha mba woi nwe lyanggye bwo?
Q house GEN.2S=COP fruit pandanus foreignᴱ
Is your home a pineapple?
Ha hwe Zibandyibobu Zigwebandzi?
Q VOC Sponge.Bob Squarepants
Sponge Bob Squarepants?
I ze byo mye nui lyanggye ndwa u ye da u lu yo mbandyo nga u ye lye.
COP NEGᴱ topic but entity=COP pandanus AFFᴱ SIT ATTR bigᴱ SIT LOCᴱ face apartment.building GEN.1S SIT ATTR newᴱ
By the way, there's a big true pandanus tree in front of my new building.
Dozye nai ze nggwalwe u mi nwe lyanggye bwo, myei ndwa u ndyu nwe lyanggye.
thus 1S=COP NEGᴱ resideᴬ SIT INESSᴱ fruit pandanus foreignᴱ | but=COP AFFᴱ SIT nearᴱ fruit pandanus
So I don't live in a pineapple ("foreign pandanus"), but I live near pandanus fruit.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
Last edited by lsd on 15 Aug 2024 11:33, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Conlang Conversation Thread
Ni cukito ínáwra zukaymi íwíca.
And most women have water above their head.
ṭobayna agami-yo ni, alibayna ṭojə-yo ni...
my thread
proud member of the myopic-trans-southerner-viossa-girl-with-two-cats-who-joined-on-september-6th-2022 gang
my thread
proud member of the myopic-trans-southerner-viossa-girl-with-two-cats-who-joined-on-september-6th-2022 gang